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The Limited Show 2015 Results

Judge: Mrs Ros Cramphorn

Limit Show 2015 Best In Show and Best Bitch Caredig Cariad

Best In Show and Best Bitch

Mrs D Tebbutt

Caredig Cariad

Our Championship shows are kindly sponsored by:

Royal Canin
Limit Show 2015 Reserve Best In Show and Best Dog Caredig Caredog

Reserve Best In Show and Best Dog


Mrs D Tebbutt

Caredig Caredog

Best Puppy In Show


Mrs D Tebbutt

Caredig Barbarian

Limit Show 2015 Puppy Dog 4E 1abs Caredig Barbarian

Puppy Dog 4E 1abs


1st: Mrs D Tebbutt,

Caredig Barbarian


2nd: Mrs P Ashby ,

Ashgrove Burley Bowdey


3rd: Mr & Mrs Dolling,

Amaethon Feebee’s Home of Charobie (imp CZE)

Limit Show 2015 Junior Dog 3E Stonestorm Apache Dream of Shalico

Junior Dog 3E


1st: Mrs S Dawson,

Stonestorm Apache Dream of Shalico

2nd: Mr & Mrs Bevis,

Wolfhouse Adagio (imp DK)

3rd: Miss K Webb,

Rainster Ikra of Inkleboys

Limit Show 2015 Novice Dog 3E Anstyarna Albert Einstein

Novice Dog 3E


1st: Mr & Mrs Gilbert,

Anstyarna Albert Einstein

2nd: Miss K Webb,

Rainster Ikra of Inkleboys

3rd: Mr & Mrs Dowley,

Hazianne’s Ace Ventura

Limit Show 2015 Post Graduate Dog 6E 1abs Hydebeck Imperial Commander of Nicsar

Post Graduate Dog 6E 1abs


1st: Mr A Lefley,

Hydebeck Imperial Commander of Nicsar

2nd: Mesdames Brown/Sheppard,

Draugfara Taren

3rd: Mrs K Gregory,

Killoughery The Baron

Limit Show 2015 Limit Dog 5E 3abs Caredig Caradog

Limit Dog 5E 3abs


1st: Mrs D Tebbutt,

Caredig Caradog

2nd: Mesdames Poole/Sheppard,

Conmeryl Marksman with Goldswift

Puppy Bitch 8E 3abs 1st: Mrs S Court - Caredig Belladonna

Puppy Bitch 8E 3abs


1st: Mrs S Court,

Caredig Belladonna

2nd: Mrs & Mr Holder/Howe ,

Mascott’s Cerys

3rd: Mrs M Addington,

Arwen Feebee’s Home of Wolvebrigg

Limit Show 2015 Junior Bitch 3E 1abs Stonestorm Dream Spirit of Shalico

Junior Bitch 3E 1abs


1st:  Mrs S Dawson ,

Stonestorm Dream Spirit of Shalico

2nd: Ms & Mr Pejsova/Bridges,

Katy Perry Roan Inish of Barrassy

Limit Show 2015 Novice Bitch 6E 3abs Anstyarna Lili Marleen

Novice Bitch 6E 3abs


1st: Mr & Mrs Gilbert,

Anstyarna Lili Marleen

2nd: Mr & Mrs Pask,

Wulgar Fontaine (AI)

3rd: Dr M Lyons,

Wolfhouse Avantgarde (imp DK)

Limit Show 2015 Post Graduate Bitch 8E 4abs Conmeryl Miss Scarlett at Goldswift

Post Graduate Bitch 8E 4abs


1st: Mrs C Sheppard,

Conmeryl Miss Scarlett at Goldswift

2nd: Mr & Mrs Campbell - Woodford,

Rivenhound Bonfire of Kilmacduagh

3rd: Mrs K Gregory,

Killoughery Bliss

Limit Show 2015 Limit Bitch 3E 2abs Caredig Cariad

Limit Bitch 3E 2abs


1st: Mrs D Tebbutt,

Caredig Cariad

Limit Show 2015 Open Dog 3E 2abs Hazianne’s Ace Ventura

Open Dog 3E 2abs


1st: Mr & Mrs Dowley,

Hazianne’s Ace Ventura

Open Bitch 2E 2abs





Judge Ros Cramphorn  






I would like to thank everyone who entered their dogs for my consideration, there were a few that on another day could easily change places with the ones placed higher.  Unfortunately I must say that my hands were very dirty and I had to keep wet wiping them.  I have always used wet wipes on my dogs, this takes off the excess dirt.  A lot of the dogs were moving very close behind, which I have put down to the winter and not being able to exercise properly.  Gay tails were very prevalent and the standard is for tails to be carried low with an upward sweep. 




Puppy Dog (4 1 absent) 


1st – Tebbutt’s Caregig Barbarian – Won this class hands down, excellent bone structure carrying his tail in the correct position.  Front and hind extension superb and was definitely the best mover in this class and after further training will look even better.  Great head, eyes and eyes with the correct expression and I will watch this dog very closely as I predict he will have a great future. BPD and BP in show 


2nd – Ashby’s Ashgrove Burley Bowdey – Another nice young dog with a lovely outline.  Good bone structure throughout with lovely head and expression.  Movement a bit erratic but with training this would improve.  Another young one with a bright future. 


3rd – Dolling’s Amaethon Feebee’s Home of Charobie 




Junior Dog 


1st – Dawson’s Sttonestorm Apache Dream of Shalico – All three dogs in this class were moving close behind but this young man moved the best on the day on a lovely loose lead.  Good bone structure with lovely masculine head and expression.  Should have a bright future. 


2nd – Bevis’s Wolfhouse Adagio – Well constructed young dog with good bone structure, nice head and expression.  Needs time to come together, favoured his tail. 


3rd – Webb’s Rainster Ikra of Inkleyboys 




Novice Dog 


1st – Gilbert’s Anstyarna Albert Einstein – Nice young dog who well deserved his placing.  Good bone structure and substance, nice head and expression, just coming into maturity.  Moved the best in this class. 


2nd - Webb’s Rainster Ikra of Inkleyboys – This young man was in the previous class but he moved with more drive the second time around.  Very masculine head with good bone and substance.  Needs time to settle into his frame and another one who fancies his tail. 


3rd – Dowley’s Hazianne’s Ace Ventura 




Post Graduate Dog (6 1 absent) 


1st – Lefley’s Hydebeck Imperial Comander of Nicsar – Best coat of the day and he moved with drive around the ring.  Lovely condition with correct bone structure and substance.  Nice head with well placed ears.  Liked him a lot.  RBD and Reserve BIS 


2nd Brown & Sheppard’s Draugfara Taren – Very hard to choose between the 1st and 2nd in this class.  Moved and handled superbly on a lovely loose lead.  Correct bone structure with a lovely long neck leading into good shoulder placement.  Good future. 


3rd – Gregory’s Killoughery The Baron 




Limit dog (5 3 absent) 


1st – Tebbutt’s Caredig Caradog – I have liked this dog from when he was a puppy but these two dogs were very nice.  Good coat, lovely head and expression with good shoulder placement.  Well muscled with a correct bend of stifle, moved slightly better than 2nd with a low tail carriage. 


2nd Poole & Sheppard’s Conmeryl Marksman With Goldswift – Smashing young dog with a very bright future and with the same comments as for 1st but he does love his tail. 




Open Dog (3 2 absent) 


1st - – Dowley’s Hazianne’s Ace Ventura – Placed 3rd in Novice.  This young man has good shoulder placement but he was pacing around the ring and playing his owner up.  Nice masculine head with correct ears and good expression.  Could do with a good training school. 




Puppy Bitch (8 3 absent) 


1st – Court’s Caredig Belladonna – Some very nice young bitches in this class which on another day could change places easily.  Smashing outline and her movement was the best in the class.  Lovely long neck leading to correct shoulder placement and excellent substance.  Nice head, eyes, ears and expression.  Should have a bright future.  Litter sister to Best Puppy. BBP 


2nd Holder & Howe’s Mascotts Cerys – Good bone structure thoughout with smashing hind quarters.  Good head and expression.  Gained this placing on once settling her hind movement was correct. 


3rd Addington’s Arwen Feebee’s Home of Wolvebrigg 




Junior Bitch (3 1 absent) 


1st – Dawson’s Stonestorm Dream Spirit of Shalico – Just over a year old with good bone and substance.  Lovely expression with nice dark eyes and correct ear carriage.  Good bend of stifle who moved steadily around the ring on a loose lead.  Another one with a bright future. 


2nd – Pejsova & Bridges Katy Perry Roan Inish of Barrassy – Another nice young bitch who unfortunately lost out in previous class.  Not as good in stifle as 1st but these two could easily change places in the future. 




Novice Bitch (6 3 absent) 


1st – Gilbert’s Anstyarna Lili Marleen – These two bitches could easily change places on another day.  Good bone structure and substance and she moved around the ring well.  Solid young bitch with a good future.  RBB 


2nd – Pask’s Wulgar Fontaine – Another nice bitch with the same comments as above but she favoured her tail. 


3rd – Lyons Wolfhouse Avantgarde 




Post Graduate Bitch (8 4 absent) 


1st – Sheppard’s Conmeryl Miss Scarlet at Goldswift – Lovely bitch who was very well presented and shown perfectly.  Moved exceptionally well on a loose lead.  Lovely head, expression and neck leading to good shoulder placement. 


2nd – Campbell-Woodford’s Rivenhound Bonfire of Kilmacduagh – Nice solid bitch who does play her owner up at times.  Good bone and substance throughout, with nice head and expression. 


3rd – Gregory’s Killoughery Bliss 




Limit Bitch (3 2 absent) 


1st – Tebbutt’s Caredig Cariad – Stood alone in this class but a well deserved win.  Good front with excellent bone structure and substance.  Correct head, eyes, ears and tail carriage.  Moved out with drive but would look better in a bigger ring.  Loved this bitch and she excelled herself today.  BP and BIS 




Open Bitch (3 3 absent)

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