Photographs - Beverley Poole
Open Show Results 2016
Held at The Sports Connexion on Sunday 27th September
Judge Mrs Mavis Wild (Fincorrie)

Our Open shows are
kindly sponsored by:

Dog Class Winners
Best In Show - Mrs J. Pain; Ravensbeech Credo
Reserve Best In Show - Mrs C. L. Pinkney; Hydebeck Imperial Ruler JW
Best Opposie Sex - Mr & Mrs J. E. Sumner; Ballyphelan Rosy Ryan
Best Puppy In Show - Mrs J. Pain; Ravensbeech Revera
Best Veteran - Ms. A.E. Donaldson; Rainster Rosa at Kirkarswell
Best Dog - Mrs J. Pain; Ravensbeech Credo
Reserve Best Dog - Mrs C. L.Pinkney; Hydebeck Imperial Ruler
Best Bitch - Mr & Mrs J. E. Sumner; Ballyphelan Rosy Ryan
Reserve Best Bitch - Mr & Mrs R. & C. Goodson; Ravensbeech Camina at Moralach
Bitch Class Winners

Puppy Dog (3,0)
1. Miss W. Heather,
Ravensbeech Revenio Whiteorchard
2. Dr & Miss P.P. & S. Das Purkayastha,
Ravensbeech Romanus among Neckrebagh
3. Mr & Mrs D. & W. Reeves,
Wolfhouse Count Basie

Puppy Bitch (4,0)
1. Mrs J. Pain,
Ravensbeech Revera
2. Mr S. Bradley,
Glengail Ggwendolyn
3. Mr & Ms L. & H. Bradley & Mullins,
Glengail Gglenys
Res. Mrs D. Treadwell,
Glengail Ggeraldine at Floydian

Junior Dog (3, 1 abs)
1. Ms S. Evans,
Maccaura Tennessee Jed of Braewisan.
2. Mr & Mrs R. & R. Walters,
Brachan Breuddwyd Y Ddriag

Yearling Dog (6, 1 abs)
1. Mrs D. Tebbutt,
Caredig Barbarian.
2. Mrs A. fox,
Kazachok Roan Inish at Newdigate.
3. Mr & Mrs G.A. & E.A. Bogart,
Mascott's Conquistador.
Resv. Miss L. Colbert,
Nana Nana Von der Erzminen
VHC. Mr & Mrs R. & R. Walters,
Brachan Breuddwyd Y Ddriag

Novice Dog (3, 1 abs)
1. Mrs R. Walters,
Killoughery The Bounder
2. Miss L. Colbert,
Nana Nana Von der Erzminen.

Junior Bitch (10, 6 abs)
1. Mrs R. cramphorn,
Yelxba Victoria.
2. Mrs D. Tebbutt,
Brachan Dolig Wen Caredig.
3. Mr & Mrs P. & A. Vaudin,
Maccaura Lacey of Torteval.
Resv. Mrs M.L. Severn-Kumar,
Tarlog Black Lace of Gealmarque

Yearling Bitch (3, 1 abs)
Mr & Mrs S. & B. Bridges,
Katy Perry Roan Inish of Barrassy

Novice Bitch (8, 2 abs)
1. Mr & Mrs J.E. Sumner,
Ballyphelan Rosy Ryan.
2. Mrs J. Pain,
Ravensbeech Revera.
3. Mr A. Stote,
Ravensbeech Caritas.
Resv. Ms S. Evans,
Braewisan Orlaith.
VHC. Mr S. Bradley,
Glengail Ggwendolyn

Post Graduate Dog (7, 1 abs)
1. Mrs M.L. Severn-Kumar,
Gealmarque Melton say.
2.Mrs M.K. Addington,
Ravensbeech Comitas of Wolvebrigg.
3.Mr & Mrs G.A. & E.A. Bogart,
Nellwynn's Mr Ozymandias.
Res. Mrs S. Dawson,
Stonestorm Apache Dream of Shalico.
VHC. Mr & Mrs B.H. & T.J. Jones,
Draugfara Minyelion.
Post Graduate Bitch (5, 3 abs)
1. Mr & Mrs J.E. Sumner,
Killoughery Braela of Ballyphelan.
2. Mrs S. Wilkinson,
Jessica Kate Roan Inish IKC

Limit Dog (6, 0 abs)
1. Ms. C.L. Pinkney,
Hydebeck Imperial Ruler.
2. Mrs & Mrs B.A. & C.E. Sheppard,
Conmeryl Marksman with Goldswift.
3.Mrs M.L. Severn-Kumar,
Gaelmarque Drap de Berry.
Res. Ms. K. Gregory,
Killoughery The Baron.
VHC. Dr & Miss P.P.& S. Das Purayastha,
Nellwynn's Mr Tobias among Neckrebagh.

Limit Bitch (12, 6 abs)
1. Mr & Mrs R. & C. Goodson,
Ravensbeech Camina at Moralach.
2. Dr & Mrs C.T. Sheppard,
Conmeryl Miss Scarlet for Goldswift.
3. Mrs S. Wilkinson,
Conmeryl Merriment over Hunacres Shcm.
Res. Mr & Mrs P.v. & P.A. Pask,
Wulfgar Fontaine of Baronglen.
VHC. Mr & Mrs K. & A.E. Campbell-Woodford,
Rivenhounds Bonfire at Kilmaadaugh

Open Dog (7, 2 abs)
1. Mrs J. Pain,
Ravensbeech Credo.
2. Mrs & Mrs A. & C. Brown & Sheppard,
Draugfara Taren.
3. Mr A. Lefley,
Hydebeck imperial Commander of Nicsar
Resv. Mr & Mrs B.H. & T.J. Jones,
Madiamoy Gentle Saxon of Castellblyth
VHC. Mrs R. Walters,
Killoughery The Bounder.

Open Bitch (5, 3 abs)
1. Mr & Mrs J.E. Sumner,
Ballyphelan Damson.
2.Miss W. Heather,
Whiteorchard Venusta.

Veteran Dog (1, abs)

Veteran Bitch (6, 3 abs))
1. Ms A.E.Donaldson,
Rainster Rosa at Kirkarswell
2. Mr & Mrs K. & C. Broughton,
Grifemy Magic Mist over Montisacre.
3. Mr & Mrs S. Roberts,
Tarlog Tara.

Judge's Presentation
Presentation to Mrs Mavis Wild (Fincorrie) by Mrs Elizabeth Murray (Chairman) and Mrs Diane Redfern (Show Secretary)
Judge's Critiques
Many thanks to the Committee for the privilege of judging one's breed show and for the wonderful hospitality. Special thanks to my stewards who did a sterling job and of course the exhibitors who were very sporting.
I had some lovely hounds to go over, although very diverse. Mouths were good, temperaments excellent. I was looking for hounds that I felt could do the job they were originally bred for, power strength and soundness needed for a galloping hound. I was very pleased with my placings and the overall standard.
Due to unforeseen circumstances my notes were re-arranged at home by a puppy so may be rather sketchy and repetitive! Sincere apologies.
Minor Puppy Dog (0)
Puppy Dog (3)
1. Heather’s - Ravensbeech Revenio Whiteorchard
Well grown 11 month old. Pleasing head, neck, forechest and front assembly. Strong bone. Correct topline which he kept on the move. Excellent bend of stifle. Moved with drive. One for the future.
2. Dr & Miss P.P.S. Das Purkayastha's - Ravensbeech Romanus Among Neckrebagh
Litter brother to 1. Much the same applies, although taller and less angulated, hopefully will drop into himself. Well presented and handled.
3. Mr & Mrs D. & W. Reeves' - Wolfhouse Count Basie
Junior Dog ((3,1A)
1. Ms S. Evans' Maccaura - Tennessee Jed of Braewisan (IMP)
Pleasing young dog looking correct for his age. Super head and expression. Strong length of neck and well constructed front assembly. Deep forechest. Strong hindquarters. Has time on his side.
2. Mr & Mrs R. & R. Walters' - Brachan Breuddwyd y Ddriag
Pleasing head and expression. Reasonable lay of shoulder and front construction. He is a tall dog which at the moment tends to make him look rather stilted and loose on the move. Another one that has time on his side.
Yearling Dog (5,1A)
1. Mrs D. Tebbutt’s - Caredig Barbarian
Strong made dog in excellent condition. He has a masculine head, strong neck and correct front construction. Tight feet, good depth of chest, well ribbed back. Strong hindquarters. Very well presented.
2. Mrs A. Fox’s - Kazachok Roan Inish At Newdigate (IKC)
A lot to like about this dog. Lovely head and expression with dark eye. Excellent reach of neck, slightly upright in shoulder. Tight feet. Reasonable topline and rear angulation.
3. Mr & Mrs G. A. & E. A. Bogart’s - Mascots Conquistador
Novice Dog (2)
1. Mrs R. Walters' - Killoughery The Bounder
A lot to like about this dog. Pleasing head with dark eye and neat ears. Strong neck leading leading into well placed shoulder and upper arm. Adequate topline and tuck up, tends to fall away at croup. Would prefer more bend of stifle.
2. Ms L. Colbert’s - Nana Nana Von der Erzminen
This boy appears very raw. He has a pleasing head although light in the eye. Reasonable front assembly, topline and underline. Hindquarters need to strengthen. Movement rather erratic but sympathetically handled.
Post Graduate Dog (7,1A)
Very Strong Class
1. Mrs M. L. Severn-Kumar’s - Gaelmarque Melton Say
I judged this dog as a puppy. Now coming into maturity and has not disappointed. Handsome head, dark eye, and neat ears. Good reach of neck into strong shoulders and forehand. Deep ribcage, strong topline and second thigh. Moved well with drive. Very sound, well handled.
2. Mrs M. K. Addington’s - Ravensbeech Comitas of Wolvebrigg
Another I have judged as a junior, he is maturing well and settling into himself. He has a super head, dark eye and strong neck. Fair shoulder placement. Good rise over the loin. Strong hindquarters.
3. Mr & Mrs G. A. & E. A. Bogart’s - Nellwyns Mr Ozymandias
Limit Dog (7,2A)
1. Ms C. L. Pinkney’s - Hydebeck Imperial Ruler J W
Super well put together dog. Liked everything about him. Handsome head, dark eye, good length of neck into well laid shoulders. Deep brisket. Strong loins and rear angulation. Very powerful on the move, very well balanced. In tip top condition. RBD & RBIS.
2. Mrs & Mrs B. A. & C. E. Poole & Sheppard’s - Conmeryl Marksman with Goldswift
Strong masculine head, dark eye, good length of neck, reasonable front assembly. Deep chest, well ribbed back. Strong hindquarters. Moved with drive, very sound.
3. Mrs M. L. Severn-Kumar’s - Gaelmarque Drap de Berry
Open Dog (7,2A)
This class was very diverse
1. Mrs J. Pain’s - Ravensbeech Credo
This was a quality dog, liked him as a puppy and one I could have taken home. Strong, well presented, in super condition. Excellent head, strong neck, lovely forechest. Correct front assembly. Strong feet. Correct topline and strong hindquarters which he used on the move. Wonderful crisp coat. BIS.
2. Mrs & Mrs A. C. Brown & Sheppard's - Draugfara Taren
Tall, rangy dog that stands over a lot of ground. Kind expression. Good length of neck, well placed shoulder, deep chest. Strong topline. Well angulated hindquarters.
3. Mr A. Lefley's - Hydebeck Imperial Comander of Nicsar
Veteran Dog (1,1A)
Minor Puppy Bitch (0)
Puppy Bitch (4)
1. Mrs J. Pain’s - Ravensbeech Revera
Another strong, well put together bitch and daughter of my BIS. Beautiful head, length of neck, correct front assembly. Deep chest. Strong topline. Well bent stifles. Sound, strong movement. BP.
2. Mr S. Bradley’s - Glengail Ggwendolyn
Strong bitch. Typical head, dark eye. Good reach of neck and adequate front assembly. Not quite the topline and movement of 1 but an overall pleasing picture.
3. Mr & Ms L. & H. Bradley & Mullins' - Glengail Gglenys
Junior Bitch (10,6A)
1. Mrs R. Cramphorn’s - Yelxba Victoria
Super houndy bitch, she stands over a lot of ground. Typical, excellent head and length of neck. Lovely forechest and front assembly. Excellent topline which she kept on the move through strong, well angulated hindquarters.
2. Mrs D. Tebbutt’s - Brachan Dolig Wen Caredig
Strong, well put together bitch, heavier in bone than 1. Excellent head, expression and front assembly. Deep chest, strong topline and rear angulation. Sound movement.
3. Mr & Mrs P. & A. Vaudin’s - Maccaura Lacy of Torteval (IMP USA)
Yearling Bitch (3,2A)
1. Mr & Mrs S. & B. Bridges' - Katy Perry Roan Inish of Barassy
Lovely bitch at 20 mths, well put together and still has a lot to offer. Excellent head and expression. Good reach of neck , good shoulder placement and depth of chest. Strong topline and hindquarters.
Novice Bitch (8,2A)
1. Mr & Mrs J. E. Sumner’s - Ballyphelan Rosy Ryan
Stunning grey bitch, liked everything about her, she has that wonderful hound look. Excellent head, eye and ears. Lovely reach of neck into super front assembly. Deep chest. Strong topline and hindquarters. Moved with drive and purpose. BB &BOS.
2. Mrs J. Pain’s - Ravensbeech Revera
3. Mr A. Stote’s - Ravensbeech Caritas
Post Graduate Bitch (6,4A)
1. Mr & Mrs J. E. Sumner’s - Killoughery Braela of Ballyphelan
Stunning houndy bitch. Excellent head and expression. Strong reach of neck, depth of forechest and front assembly. Strong topline and rear angulation. Very sound.
2. Mrs S. Wilkinson’s - Jessica Kate Roan Inish (IKC)
An impressive hound, heavier in bone than 1. Dark eye and kind expression. Well laid shoulders and front assembly. Strong topline and hindquarters. Very sound.
Limit Bitch (12,6A)
Super class
1. Mr & Mrs R. & C. Goodson’s - Ravensbeech Camina at Moralach
Quality bitch. Super head & expression. Strong neck, excellent shoulder placement. Good bone. Deep chest. Strong topline and underline. Strong hindquarters, well balanced. RBB
2. Dr & Mrs C. T. Sheppard’s - Conmeryl Miss Scarlet for Goldswift
Very feminine bitch. Lovely head and expression. Good reach of neck. Adequate shoulder placement although narrower in front than 1. Lovely topline and strong hindquarters. Sound in movement.
3. Mrs S. Wilkinson’s - Conmeryl Merriment over Hunacres Sh.CM
Open Bitch (5,2A)
Two quality bitches
1. Mr & Mrs J. E. Sumner’s - Ballyphelan Damson
Beautifully put together. Lovely head combining white/grey furnishings, dark eye. Strong neck and deep forechest, correct front assembly. Tight feet. Strong topline. Well angulated hindquarters. Excellent movement and very sound.
2. Miss W. Heather’s - Whiteorchard Venusta
Another well put together bitch with substance. Attractive head and strong neck. Well laid shoulders and overall proportions. Strong hindquarters. I was nit-picking between these two.
Veteran Bitch (6,3A)
Three lovely bitches in top condition. A credit to their owners.
You should be very proud.
1. Ms A. E. Donaldson’s - Rainster Rosa at Kirkarswell
7 years old, she is a feminine, elegant hound and liked everything about her. Beautiful head and expression.
Deep forechest. Strong front and hindquarters. Moved well. B.V.
2. Mr & Mrs K. C. Broughton’s - Grifemy Magic Mist Over Montisacre
9 years old, very similar to 1. Wonderful head and expression. Solid front assembly and depth of chest. Strong topline and hindquarters which she used well on the move.
3. Mr & Mrs S. Roberts' - Tarlog Tara
Mavis Wild (Fincorrie)
Open Show Trophy Awards