2022 Open Show
Held on Sunday 30 January2022
at The Connexion, Leamington Road, Ryton-on Dunsmore, Coventry.
Judge - Sue Forret (Culvercroft)
Critique is below results
Best in Show
Reserve Best in Show
Best Opposite Sex
Best Puppy in Show
Best Veteran in Show
Hydebeck Dream Tyme of Graefyn
Barrassy's Copyright JW
Barrassy's Copyright JW
Lindall Cool Hand Luke
Yelxba Victoria
Mrs F and Mr G Dawson
Mrs A Fox
Mrs A Fox
Mr A and Mrs R Porter
Mrs R Cramphorn
Best In Show
Hydebeck Dream Tyme Of Graefyn

Reserve Best in Show
and Best Opposite Sex
Barrassy's Copyright JW

Best in Show
Hydebeck Dream Tyme Of Graefyn
Reserve Best in Show
Barrassy's Copywright JW

Best Puppy in Show
Lindall Cool Hand Luke

Best Veteran in Show
Yelxba Victoria

Minor Puppy Dog (5, 0Abs)

1st. Ms C L Pinkey's
Hydebeck Hickry Dickry Dock
2nd. Mr & Mrs P & P Pask's
Baronglen The Nobleman
3rd. Ms & Mrs K & N Gregory & Warwick's
Cairnstorm Renegade
Minor Puppy Bitch (3, 0Abs)

1st. Mr & Mrs P & S Catlow's
Hydebeck Ring Of Roses
2nd. Ms K Gregory's Killoughery Redemption
3rd. Mrs L. Waslin's Wolvebrigg Ivy
Puppy Dog (4, 0Abs)

1st. Mr & Mrs A & R Porter's
Lindall Cool Hand Luke
2nd. Mr P. Thomas's
Hydebeck Hey Diddle Diddle
3rd. Ms S. Evans's
Killoughery Ricochet With Braewisan
Res. Mr R. Evans's
Gallant Warrior
Junior Dog (2, 0Abs)

1st. Mrs D Pateman's Whiteorchard Atlas
2nd. Ms J. Hooper's Floydian Affric
Puppy Bitch (2, 1Abs)

1st. Mrs L. Waslin's Wolvebrigg Ivy
Junior Bitch (5, 0Abs)

1st. Miss W Heather's Whiteorchard Ad Astra
2nd. Mr J Sales's Oh Baby! Von Der Eichenkoppel
3rd. Miss W Heather's Whiteorchard Aurora
Res. Mr & Mrs K. & A.E. Campbell-Woodford's
Whiteorchard Adhara Of Kilmacduagh
VHC. Mrs L. Waslin's Wolvebrigg Ivy
Yearling Dog (2, 1Abs)

1st. Ms J. Hooper's Floydian Affric
Novice Dog No Entries

Yearling Bitch (2, 1Abs)

1st. Miss W Heather's
Whiteorchard Aurora
Novice Bitch (7, 2Abs)

1st. Mr & Mrs P & S Catlow's
Hydebeck Dream Of Lorelei At Laoiseach
2nd. Ms K Gregory's Killoughery Enigma
3rd. Mrs K Bruce's Killoughery Talia
Res. Mr & Mrs K. & A.E. Campbell-Woodford's Whiteorchard Adhara Of Kilmacduagh
VHC. Mrs A Crosse's Gaelmarque Sweet Symphony
Post Graduate Dog (3, 2Abs)

Post Graduate Bitch (8, 2Abs)

1st. Mrs H Sheppard's Glengail Hhades
1st. Ms C L Pinkney's Hydebeck Dream Of Dreams
2nd. Mr S Bradley's Glengail Hhattie
3rd. Mr J Sales's Maneater Von Der Eichenkoppel
Res. Mrs D Pateman's Glydas Gold Moth
VHC. Mrs A Fox's Newdigate Doris Day
Limit Dog (4, 0Abs)

1st. Mrs & Mr F & G. Dawson's
Hydebeck Dream Tyme Of Graefyn
2nd. J & T Lynch & Taylor's
Gaeltarra Eireann Watson (Imp)
3rd. Mrs S. Dawson's
Red Rock Canyon Of King Howards
Legends Of Shalico (Imp Fra)
Res. Mrs H J Barnes's
Hazianne's Partial Eclipse
Limit Bitch (6, 3Abs)

1st.Mrs A Fox's Barrassy's Copyright JW
2nd.Ms & Mrs K & N Gregory & Warwick's
Cairnstorm Keepsake
3rd.Ms C. Stirling's Clanlily Diamond Dust
Open Dog (5, 1Abs)
Open Bitch (4, 3Abs)

1st. Dr & Miss P & S Das Purkayastha's
Ballyphelan Asansol Among Neckrebagh
2nd. Mr J A Murray's Sade Aryasson At Sabata
3rd. Mrs P Ashby's Ashgroave Alfrie Bumble
Res. Mrs H J Barnes's Hazianne's Partial Eclipse
Veteran Dog (No Entries)

1st. Mr & Mr P.V. & P.A. Pask's Baronglen
Miss Matilda
Veteran Bitch (4, 2Abs)

1st. Mrs R Cramphorn's Yelxba Victoria SHCM
2nd. Ms S. Evans's Braewisan Orlaith
Sue Forret Culvercroft)
30 January 2022
I would like to thank the Society for inviting me to judge this show and to the exhibitors for accepting the judgements with grace. There seemed to be a nice atmosphere in the Hall. Thank you also to the hard working stewards.
How lovely to see so many new babies out, all with out going temperaments. I had so many kisses from them that it made my day! Bodes well for the breed.
Minor Puppy Dog
1st: Pinkney’s Hydebeck Hickry Dickry Dock
6 months. Cream boy – absolutely gorgeous. Good head with dark eyes. Long neck into good front. Good bone. Strong shapely hind quarters which he used well on the move.
2nd: Pask’s Baronglen The Nobleman
6 month on the day. Dark lovely shapely boy. Very close between these two and I’m sure they will be good competition for each other. Good bone. Very attractive head with furnishings, dark eye. Long strong neck into good front. Shapely hind quarters. Moved well.
3rd: Gregory & Warwick’s Cairnstorm Renegade
8 month light grey brindle. Neat small ears, nice long neck. Shapely hindquarters. Moved well.
Puppy Dog
1st: Porter’s Lindall Cool Hand Luke
8 month dark grey boy. Well bodied. Very shapely and houndy. Lovely head and furnishings, dark eye and neat ears. Long neck into good front. Good hind quarters with good curve of stifle which he used well on the move. I was pleased to award him Best Puppy.
2nd: Hydebeck Hey Diddle Diddle
6 month wheaten, well grown. Good body, lovely long neck. Shapely hin quarters. Moved much better in this class as he had a change of handler.
3rd: Evan’s Killoughery Ricochet with Braewisan
8 month. Light grey brindle. A nice big boy who wasn’t at ease today and this affected his movement. Good bone
Junior Dog
1st: Pateman’s Whiteorchard Atlas
15 month large shapely light grey brindle. Deep chest and well bodied. Good topline. Nice head with strong neck. Good bone. Used hind quarters well on the move. Res BD
2nd: Hooper’s Floydian Affric
Grey brindle nice houndy shape. Good head, strong neck into good front. Slightly lacking in width of stifle. Not moving so well today.
Yearling Dog
1st: Floydian Affric- as above.
Post Graduate Dog
1st: Sheppard’s Glengail Hhades
Two and a half year old grey brindle. Nice head and furnishings. Good bone. Good depth of chest. Curvy hind quarters.
Limit Dog
This was a difficult class and I would have liked 3 first places. They could easily have changed round on another day.
1st: Dawson’s Hydebeck Dream Tyme of Graefyn
Dark grey brindle. This boy just looked in his prime today. Good bone. Nice head into long strong neck. Good front, deep chest and well sprung ribs. Houndy powerful hindquarters which he used to effect on the move. Flowed around the ring – he looked ready and able to do the job he was designed for. Pleased to award him Best Dog and Best in show.
2nd: Lynch & Taylor’s Gaeltarra Eireann Watson.
Another nice dog- grey brindle. Nice head and furnishings. Well bodied and deep chest. Good top line. Nice houndy hind quarters. Moved well.
3rd: Dawson’s Red Rock Canyon of King Howard’s Legends of Shalico
Still quite young but is maturing into a handsome cream boy. Attractive head with dark eye. Good bone. Nice strong neck into good front. Shapely hindquarters. Moved well.
Open Dog
1st: Das Purkayastha’s Ballyphelan Asansol Among Neckrebagh
A mature four and a half year old grey brindle. Good bone. Nice head and expression. Good powerful hindquarters. Moved well. Lost in challenge as he was slightly too heavy on his front compared to the winner.
2nd: Murray’s Sade Aryassin at Sabata
4 year old dark grey brindle. Close between these two. Good head, neat ears. Deep chest well sprung ribs. Good bone. An attractive hound.
3rd: Ashby’s Ashgroave Alfrie Bumble
22month old youngster against mature males as he had entered the wrong class. Dark grey, very shapely. Moved well.
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st: Catlow’s Hydebeck Ring of Roses
6 month cream little girl not handled by owner so was a bit stressed but coped well. Nice head, long neck into good front. Good bone. Shapely and houndy. Strong curvy hind quarters, moved Ok. Same litter as minor puppy winner. Will watch their progress with interest.
2nd: Gregory’s Killoughery Redemption
Tall light grey brindle. Nice girl Lost out to 1 on hind quarters at present.
3rd: Waslin’s Wolvebrigg Ivy
7 month dark grey girl. Very pretty head with lovely furnishings. Will need time to grow on.
Puppy Bitch
1st: Waslin’s Wolvebrigg Ivy
As above
Junior Bitch
1st: Heather’s Whiteorchard Ad Astra
15 month light grey brindle. Nice head into elegant neck. Very houndy – moved well.
2nd: Sales’s Oh Baby I Von der Eichenkoppel
14 month cream girl nice girl lovely houndy shape. Deep chest, good tuck up. Moved well.
3rd: Heather’s Whiteorchard Aurora
Grey brindle. Litter sister to 1- not so strong in hind quarters for now.
Yearling Bitch
1st: Heather’s Whiteorchard Aurora
As above
Novice Bitch
1st: Catlow’s Hydebeck drem of Lorelei at Laoiseach
A very elegant houndy girl. Good bone and well bodied up. Moved well and used her strong hind quarters to good effect.
2nd: Gregory’s Killoughery Enigma
2 year old grey brindle. Nice head, neat ears. Shapely hind quarters. Still needs to body up alittle. Moved well
3rd: Bruce’s Killoughery Talia
Litter sister to 2nd. Dark grey brindle. Deep chest with good tuck up. Pretty head. Shapely hind quarters.
Post Graduate Bitch
1st: Pinkney’s Hydebeck Dream of Dreams
3 year old cream. Looked in super form. Lovely head with neat ears. Good bone.Strong neck into good front. Strong powerful hind quarters used well on the move. Good spring of rib. Very elegant girl. Challenged hard for best bitch. Res BB.
2nd: Bradley’s Glengail Hhattie
2 year old dark grey brindle. Nice head and furnishings, neat ears. Lovely houndy shape with strong hind quarters. Moved well.
3rd: Sales’s Maneater Von Der Eichenkoppel
3 year olddark grey brindle. Nice head long neck into good front. Nice houndy girl that moved well.
Limit Bitch
1st: Fox’s Barrassy’s Copyright
3 year old grey brindle. Lovely to look at. Nice head and furnishings. Good front and bone. Deep chest with tuck up. Strong curvy hindquarters with low hocks. An elegant girl. Moved well. Best Bitch.
2nd: Gregory & Warwick’s Cairnstorm Keepsake
3 year old cream. Another quality girl. Lovely head dark eye. Strong neck into good front. Deep chest. Houndy- moved well.
3rd: Stirling’s Clanlily Diamond Dust
3 and a half year old grey brindle. Elegant and shapely. Just lost out on hind quarters.
Open Bitch
1st: Pask’s Baronglen Miss Matilda
4 year old dark grey brindle. Lovely head and furnishings. Good bone. Deep chest and spring of rib. Shapely hindquarters. Moved well.
Veteran Bitch
1st: Cramphorn’s Yelxba Victoria
7 and a half year old dark grey brindle. Still shapely and moved well. She seemed to be enjoying herself..Nice head, good bone. A credit to her owner. BV
2nd: Evan’s Braewisan Orlaith
Nine years old grey brindle who has just lost her shape a little (as we all do as we get older!) Nice head. Moved well. Lovely to see two veterans in the ring. An honour to go over them and see them in action.
Judge Sue Forret