2024 Open Show Results
Held on Sunday 28th January 2024
at The Connexion, Leamington Road, Ryton-on Dunsmore, Coventry.
​Judge - Ann Donaldson (Kirkcarswell)
Critique is below results
All photographs were taken by Tony Minett www.tonyminettphotography.co.uk/
Best in Show
Reserve Best in Show
Best Puppy in Show
Best Veteran in Show
Whiteorchard Arcturus
Hydebeck Dream Lorelei at Laoiseach Glengail Aarcus
Goldswift Mission Possible for Inkleyboys
Mr D & Mrs W Reeves
Mrs E & Mr P Catlow
Mr S Bradley
Miss K Webb
Best in Show
Whiteorchard Arcturus

Best Veteran in Show
Goldswift Mission Possible for Inkleyboys

Best Puppy in Show
Glengail Aarcus

Minor Puppy Dog (1 entry, 0 absent)

1st Glengail Ccillian (A Dunwell)
Puppy Dog (3 entries, 0 absent)

1st Killoughery Touchstone (K Gregory)
2nd Austonley Maverick (CC and J Carter)
3rd Killoughery Transcript (K Roebuck)
Junior Dog (5 entries, 2 Absent)

1st Caredig Maffioso (D Tebbutt)
2nd Dukesarum Murphy (T Sumner)
3rd Dukesarum Caspar at Sabata (JA Murray)
Yearling Dog (2 entries, 0 Absent)

1st Lynelouper Lynedene Laddie
(K Sharratt)
2nd Bonaforte's Zippity Do (C Kelly)
Novice Dog (2 entries, 2 Absent)

Minor Puppy Bitch (2 entries, 0 absent)

1st Glengail Eenfys (S Bradley)
2nd Glengail Ccaoimhe (L Waslin)
Puppy Bitch (2 entries, 0 absent)

1st Glengail Aarcus (S Bradley)
2nd Glengail Ccaoimhe (L Waslin)
Junior Bitch (5 entries, 3 absent)

1st Caredig Medici (D Tebbutt)
2nd Rysheron's American Hope for Clanlily
(C Stirling)
Yearling Bitch (2 entries, 1 absent)

1st Francistown Bonnie (J Sales)
Novice Bitch (2 entries, 1 absent)

1st Hydebeck Ring of Roses at Laoiseach (E & P Catlow)
Post Graduate Dog (6 entries, 3 Absent)

1st Killoughery Ricochet with Braewisan
(S Evans)
2nd Killoughery Rockafella (E Pantoja)
3rd Brachan Giorno Di Natale (PA Guntrip)
Limit Dog (4 entries, 1 Absent)

1st Whiteorchard Ares (K Sharratt)
2nd Whitglen The Real Thing
(A White & C Anderson)
3rd Floydian Affric (J Hooper)
Open Dog (4 entries, 1 absent)

Post Graduate Bitch (7 entries, 3 absent)

1st Rainster Eilex Among Hunacres (S Wilkinson)
2nd Rainster Evie (A Crosse)
3rd Killoughery Talia (K Bruce)
4th Whiteorchard Adhara At Kilmacduagh
(K & AE Campbell-Woodford)
Limit Bitch (11 entries, 5 absent)

1st Hydebeck Dream of Lorelei at Laoiseach
(E & P Catlow)
2nd Whiteorchard Aurora JW (W Heather)
3rd Oh Baby! Von Der Eichenkoppel (J Sales)
4th Killoughery Redemption (K Gregory)
5th Floydian Fionn (D Treadwell)
Open Bitch (4 entries, 4 absent)

1st Whiteorchard Arcturus (D & W Reeves)
2nd Baronglen The Nobleman JW ShCM
(PV & PA Pask)
3rd Gaelmarque Nomateus (ML Severn Kumar)
Veteran Dog (3 entries, 1 absent)

1st Goldswift Mission Possible for Inkleyboys
(K Webb)
2nd Ch Ravensbeech Revenio Whiteorchard
VW (W Heather)
Veteran Bitch (6 entries, 2 absent)

1st Ch Whiteorchard Nebula (W Heather)
2nd Goldswift Bronntanas to Cairnstorm
(K Gregory & N Warwick)
3rd Goldswift Leap of Faith (K Bruce)
4th Glengail Ggeraldine at Floydian
(D Treadwell)
Judge's Critique
Irish Wolfhound Society Open Show
Sunday 28th January 2024
I was honoured and thrilled to be asked to judge the Society’s 2024 open show. Thank you to the stewards Peter, Elaine and Tina for having the ring running smoothly and making the whole experience so enjoyable. Also many thanks to all the exhibitors you gave me some lovely hounds to assess. I was absolutely delighted with the quality of the hounds and it gave me some hard decisions to make.
Minor Puppy Dog 1 entry 0 absent.
1st Glengail Ccillian 8 months old light brindle baby. Lovely head, dark eyes, good neck into nicely set shoulders. Good rear angulation. A little unsettled today, therefore not showing his best on the move. Promising puppy.
Puppy Dog 3 entered 0 absent
1st Gregory’s Killoughery Touchstone 9 months old nicely balanced wheaten male. Lovely head with well carried ears. Good angulation front and rear. In good muscle tone. Moved free and easy.
2nd Carters and Carter’s Austonley Maverick Well grown 10 months old brindle. Needs to settle more to show off his true potential. Lovely head and expression. Well off for bone. Good front and rear angulation. In lovely condition. Needs to settle on the move.
3rd Roebuck’s Killoughery Transcript. 9 months old Wheaten puppy and litter brother to first place. Well grown but not sound on his hindquarters. Gentle expression with lovely dark eyes. In good coat. Just needs time to settle and grow into his frame.
Junior Dog 5 entered 2 absent
Three Lovely quality hounds
1st Tebbutt’s Caredig Maffioso well grown 14 month old dark brindle. Beautifully balanced with plenty of bone. Lovely head and expression. Well arched neck. Correct lay back of upper arm and shoulder. Pleasing top and underline. Moved out with long easy strides. Presented in excellent condition.
2nd Sumner’s Dukesarum Murphy Another quality 13 month old dark brindle. Lovely head and expression. Well placed shoulders. Well angulated front and rear. Moved with ease. Just prefered the overall width and depth of first place.
3rd Murray’s Dukesarum Casper Litter brother to second place. 13 month old brindle. Lovely head and gentle expression. Well laid shoulders with plenty of chest. Covered the ground well. Needs more time to fill his frame.
Yearling Dog 2 entered 0 absent
1st Sharratt’s Lynelouper Lynedene Laddie Tall 21 month old grey brindle. Good head with well set ears. Good depth of chest, with adequate angulation front and rear. Good harsh coat. Tight feet. Needs time and maturity to fill his large frame. Moved well.
2nd Kelly’s Bonaforte’s Zippity Do. 23 months wheaten boy. Lovely dark pigmentation with well set ears. Lovely strong neck leading to a good top and underline. Would like a little more angulation to balance his frame. Just needs to settle more on the move.
Novice Dog 2 entered 2 absent
Post Graduate Dog 6 entered 3 absent
1st Evan’s Killoughery Ricochet with Braewisan At 2years 8 months this grey brindle male is well balanced and curvy. Lovely head and expression. Well set ears. Good length of legs with deep chest well ribbed back. Plenty of hind angulation. Moved free and easy
2nd Pantoja’s Killoughery Rockafella. Litter brother to first place. Not as tall as first and slightly heavier. Good head with gentle expression. Good front and rear angulation. Broad hindquarters and width of stifle which presented well on the move. Handled and presented well.
3rd Guntrip’s Brachan Giorno Di Natale Just over 2 years old. This grey brindle male has a good masculine head, with a gentle expression. Strong neck and well placed shoulders. Good length of legs. Well off for bone. Nice tight feet. Needs to settle more on the move.
Limit Dog 4 entered 1 absent
1st Sharratt’s Whiteorchard Ares Well made upstanding wheaten male at 3 years 3 months old. Masculine head with dark pigmentation and dark eyes. Long neck into correct shoulder placement. Curvy front and rear angulation. Broad hindquarters with good width and bend of stifle. Good harsh coat. Moved out with ease.
2nd White & Anderson’s Whitglen The Real Thing. 2 years 8 months dark brindle male. Lovely type. Well balanced throughout. Well angulated front and rear. Masculine head with long, strong neck leading into good upper arm and shoulder placement. Correct tail carriage. Moves free and easy but drops slightly on hindquarters moving away.
3rd Hoopers Floydian Affric 3 ½ year old brindle male. Much lighter in frame and not quite as balanced as others. Kind expression, strong neck with good depth and width of chest. Moved steadily.
Open Dog 4 entered 1 absent
1st Reeves’s Whiteorchard Arcturus Such a pleasing 3years 3months old brindle male. Lovely head and expression with neat rose ears. Well arched neck into correct sloping shoulders. Excellent front assembly. Correct length of leg. Correct rise over the loin. Good width and length of stifle. Well muscled throughout . Such a free and easy mover. I was delighted to award him BEST DOG and BEST IN SHOW.
2nd Pask’s Baronglen The Nobleman JW (shCm) At 2 ½ years old he is quite mature for his age. Well built stallion hound. Masculine head. Long, strong neck. Firm topline. He has great width and length throughout. Broad hindquarters and width of stifle. Presented in excellent, muscular condition. Moved out soundly with ease. I was pleased to award him. RESERVE BEST DOG.
3rd Severn Kumar’s Gaelmarque Nomateus, Strong medium sized 2 1/2year old brindle male. Typical head with correct muzzle. Strong, arched neck, correct shoulder with plenty of forechest. Very nicely built throughout. Well balanced with a beautiful curvy outline. Moved free and easy. Just smaller than first and second. Would love more of him.
Veteran Dog 3 entered 1 absent
I was thrilled and privileged to have the chance to go over these two special males.
1st Goldswift Mission Possible For Inkleboys . Lovely outline and so well balanced. He is still looking to give his opposition a run for their money. Beautiful head and expression. Lovely long neck into front assembly. Good rear angulation with plenty of width through the stifle. Handled and presented well. Moved soundly. Really pleased to award him BEST VETERAN.
2nd Ch Ravensbeech Revenio Whiteorchard VW Just short of 9 years old. What a star. He entered the ring enjoying every minute and never stopped wagging his tail. So well constructed and evenly balanced. Excellent bone with correct angles throughout. Such a worthy champion. Unfortunately lost out to first with age difference. I believe this will be his last show. What a honour for me to assess him. Thank you. They are both a credit to their owners and breeders.
Minor Puppy Bitch 2 entered 0 absent
1st Bradley’s Glengail Eenfys Beautiful dark brindle bitch puppy 8 months old. Lovely head and expression. Well angulated and balanced throughout. Flowing curves. Good for bone. Needs to settle more on the move. Very promising.
2nd Waslin’s Glengail Ccaoimhe Litter sister to first. Again a very attractive puppy. She seems to have shot up all at once. Light brindle , good for bone. Beautiful head and rose ears. Well in proportion throughout. Moved with an easy gait. Another one to watch.
Puppy Bitch 2 entered 0 absent
1st Glengail Aarcus, Litter sister to minor puppy bitches. Out of the same box. Dark brindle with attractive head. Lovely long arched neck into shoulder placement. Good width and depth of forechest. Plenty of hind angulation and tight feet. Lovely coat and condition. Moved out with drive. For me she just seemed to have the edge on her siblings therefore I awarded her BEST PUPPY.
Such a quality litter. Very promising.
2nd Waslin’s Glengail Ccaoimhe as above
Junior Bitch 5 entered 3 absent
1st Tebbutt’s Caredig Medici At 14 months she is dark brindle quality youngster. Beautiful head, dark eyes with well set ears. Lovely arched neck, deep chest with good length to body. Slight rise over the loin. Strong rear angulation with good width of stifle. Nice tight feet. In lovely condition. Moved out well coming and going.
2nd Stirling’s Rysheron’s American Hope for Clanlily(imp USA) Another quality youngster at 16 months old. Dark brindle. Lovely head and expression. Well off for bone. Good front angulation with flowing top and underline. Strong hindquarters, good width and length to stifle. Moved out well. I just preferred the type of first place. These two could swap places in the future. Two quality bitches.
Yearling Bitch 2 entered 1 absent
1st Sales Francistown Bonnie. Stood alone but still deserving of first place. Lovely 14 months dark brindle bitch. Pretty head with gentle expression. Long arched neck into good upper arm and shoulder placement. Plenty of depth of chest. Good length of thigh and width through stifle. Well balanced and shapely. In lovely condition. Moved free and easy.
Novice Bitch 2 entered 1 absent
1st Catlow’s Hydebeck Ring of Roses at Laoiseach Lovely cream bitch at 2 ½ years old. Pretty, dark head with ample furnishings. Good length of neck and shoulder. Good breadth of chest. Good front and rear angulation. Harsh coat. Well presented and moved out with drive.
Post Graduate Bitch 7 entered 3 absent
1st Wilkinson’s Rainster Eilex Among Hunacres. Attractive 2years 2months old grey brindle bitch. Really well balanced. Beautiful head on a long strong neck. Well laid shoulder and ample forechest. Great body length with plenty of width of stifle. Well off for bone and was presented in excellent condition. Moved freely. Was pleased to award her. RESERVE BEST BITCH.
2nd Crosse’s Rainster Evie Litter sister to first place and another well balanced attractive bitch. Pretty head and expression with neat ears. Well angulated front and rear. Good width of chest with well sprung ribcage. Firm topline and correct rise over the loin. Harsh coat. Moved well. Less substance than her sister.
3rd Bruce’s Killoughery Talia. At 4 ¼ years old she is a lovely grey brindle bitch of good size and shape. Well balanced with good bone. Pretty head and gentle expression. Well angled front and rear. Presented in excellent condition. Moved free and easy.
Limit Bitch 11 entered 5 absent
What a stunning class!
1st Catlow’s Hydebeck Dream of Lorelei At Laoiseach This beautiful cream 5 ½ year old bitch literally ticks all the boxes. She is well balanced throughout. Lovely head, kind expression, rose ears. Correct upper arm and shoulder placement. Good length of body with correct rise over the loin. Well set tail. Plenty of hind angulation and width of stifle. Tight feet. Excellent coat texture. She was presented well and was a free and easy mover with plenty of drive. She is so well put together. I was really pleased to award her BEST BITCH.
2nd Heather’s Whiteorchard Aurora JW Now at 3 ¼ this lovely grey brindle bitch is coming into her own. Beautifully balanced with great bone throughout. Pretty head into well arched neck. Good shoulder placement with deep chest. Good topline and underline. Strong hindquarters with good width and length of stifle. Moved out with drive.
3rd Sales Oh Baby ! Von Der Eichenkoppel Another pretty wheaten bitch. At 3 years 2months she still has plenty of time to mature. Lovely long neck with well balanced front and rear angulation. Deep chest. Correct topline and underline. Good tight feet. Harsh coat. Handled well and moved free and easy.
Open Bitch 4 entered 4 absent
Veteran Bitch 6 entered 2 absent.
What a delightful entry. I was honoured to be presented with such super veteran bitches. They are a credit to their owners.
1st Heather’s Ch Whiteorchard Nebular A true champion 7 years and 8 months old. A beautiful grey brindle bitch. Well balanced throughout. Plenty of bone. Lovely type. Pleasing head, long, strong neck leading into well laid shoulders. Super front. Good top and underline. Strong broad hindquarters. Still moving free and easy. BEST OPPOSITE SEX VETERAN.
2nd Gregory & Warwick’s Goldswift Bronntanas To Cairnstorm. Litter sister to best veteran. Still looking very fit. Excellent type. Lovely head into well arched neck. Angled front and rear assembly. Good top and underline. Tail set well. Good textured coat. Handled and presented well. Sound mover.
3rd Bruce’s Goldswift Leap Of Faith. From the same litter as second place. Again lovely type and in very good condition. Pretty head with neat ears. Lovely harsh coat. Moved out well.
Ann Donaldson (Kirkcarswell)