September 2024 Championship Show Results
Held on Sunday 29th September 2024
at The Connexion, Leamington Road, Ryton-on Dunsmore, Coventry.
​Judge - Jenny Dove (Saringa)
Critique is below results.
All photographs were taken by Tony Minett
Best in Show
Reserve Best in Show
Best Veteran in Show
Best Puppy in Show
Dog CC
Bitch CC
Reserve Dog CC
Reserve Bitch CC
Ch Gaelmarque Treasured by Goldswift JW
Trocadero Du Grand Chien De Culann
Goldswift Leap of Faith
Hydebeck Dream to Love
Dukesarum Murphy
Ch Gaelmarque Treasured by Goldswift JW
Ch Baronglen the Nobleman JW OSW ShCEx
Trocadero Du Grand Chien De Culann
Mrs C and Dr C Sheppard
Mr F Freitas and Mr F Maison
Mrs K Bruce
Ms CL Pinkney
Mrs T Sumner
Mrs C and Dr C Sheppard
Mr P and Mrs P Pask
Mr F Freitas and Mr F Maison
Best in Show
Ch Gaelmarque Treasured by Goldswift JW

Reserve Best in Show
Trocadero Du Grand Chien De Culann

Best Puppy in Show
Hydebeck Dream to Love

Best Veteran in Show
Goldswift Leap of Faith

Minor Puppy Dog (4 entries, 0 absent)

1st Fosco Della Bassa Pavese (T Tingle)
2nd Hydebeck Tyme for Love at Graefyn
(F and G Dawson)
3rd Hydebeck Eternal Love (CA Connor)
Res Beachaire's Aodh Fire of Ravensecret
(S Jakeman)
Puppy Dog (2 entries, 0 absent)

Minor Puppy Bitch (4 entries, 0 absent)

1st Hydebeck Dream to Love (CL Pinkney)
2nd Hydebeck in the Name of Love
(AE Bennett)
3rd Florence Della Bassa Pavese
to Baronglen (P and P Pask)
Res Hydebeck Endless Love Glydas
(D Pateman)
Puppy Bitch (1 entry, 1 absent)

1st Francistown Clifford (S Hughes)
2nd Francistown Connor (J Molyneux)
Junior Dog (5 entries 0 absent)

1st US Airforce at Jascarah of King Howard Legends (C Allitt)
2nd Unicorne Du Grand Chien De Culann
(F Freitas and F Maison)
3rd Killoughery Touchstone (K Gregory)
Res Dioede Della Bassa Pavese to Sade
(C and J Amoo)
VHC Francistown Clifford (S Hughes)
Yearling Dog (3 entries, 1 Absent)

1st US Airforce at Jascarah of King Howard Legends (C Allitt)
2nd Conmeryl Joshua Jopp (JM Littlefair)
Junior Bitch (5 entries, 2 absent)

1st Florence Della Bassa Pavese
to Baronglen (P and P Pask)
2nd Glengail Ccaoimhe with Aefsige
(L Waslin)
3rd Bonaforte Beautiful Dawn at
Bonnachnaomh (L Lees)
Yearling Bitch (5 entries, 1 absent)

1st Dukesarum Evie (T Sumner)
2nd Dukesarum Fiya at Ballanroo (K and Y Harmer)
3rd Glengail Ccaoimhe with Aefsige (L Waslin)
Res Bonaforte Beautiful Dawn at
Bonnachnaomh (L Lees)
Novice Dog (1 entry, 0 Absent)

1st Francistown Connor (J Molyneux)
Novice Bitch (2 entries, 1 absent)

1st Bonaforte Beautiful Dawn at
Bonnachnaomh (L Lees)
Post Graduate Dog (6 entries, 0 absent)

1st Killoughery Mission Two for Inkleyboys
(K Webb)
2nd Lynelouper Lynedene Laddie
(K Sharratt)
3rd Hydebeck Golden Gift for Draymorr
(D Morris)
Res Hydebeck Heart of Gold
(F and G Dawson)
VHC Jaguar Shark at Sullyenda (J Harris)
Post Graduate Bitch (5 entries, 1 absent)

1st Killoughery Talia (K Bruce)
2nd Dukesarum Niamh (T Sumner)
3rd Rainster Eilex among Hunacres (S Wilkinson)
Res Hydebeck Izzie Wizzie (AE Bennett)
Limit Dog (8 entries, 2 Absent)

1st Dukesarum Murphy (T Sumner)
2nd Gaelmarque Quintus (M Severn-Kumar)
3rd Floydian Affric (J Hooper)
Res Whiteorchard Ares of Nuinduir
(K Sharratt)
VHC Cairnstorm Renegade
(N Warwick and K Gregory)
Open Dog (3 entries, 0 Absent)

1st Rainster Explorer (D and D Redfern)
2nd Creena Atticus Finch at Dukesarum
(T Sumner)
3rd Floydian Affric (J Hooper)
Limit Bitch (3 entries, 2 absent)

1st Dukesarum Tallulah (T Sumner)
Open Bitch (7 entries, 3 absent)

1st Trocadero Du Grand Chien De Culann
(F Freitas and F Maison)
2nd Rysheron's American Hope for Clanlily
(C Stirling)
3rd Whiteorchard Aurora JW (W Heather)
Res Rainster Tatiana (D and D Redfern)
Veteran Dog (0 entires)

Veteran Bitch (2 entries, 0 absent)

1st Goldswift Leap of Faith (K Bruce)
2nd Goldswift Bronntanas to Cairnstorm
(K Gregory and N Warwick)
Champion Dog (2 entries, 0 Absent)

1st Ch Baronglen the Nobleman JW OSW
ShCEx (P and P Pask)
2nd Ch Whiteorchard Arcturus( D Reeves)
Champion Bitch (5 entries, 1 absent)

1st Ch Gaelmarque Treasured by Goldswift JW
(C and C Sheppard)
2nd Ch Sade Prelude (C and J Amoo)
3rd Ch Whiteorchard Ad Astra JW OSW ShCEx
(W Heather)
Res Fr Ch Rivoli Du Grand Chien De Culann
(F Freitas and F Maison)
1st Heather's Brace (W Heather)
2nd Bruce's Brace (K Bruce)
Brace (2 entries, 0 Absent)

Judge's Critique
Irish Wolfhound Society 37th Championship Show
Sunday 29th September 2024
Thanks to all the exhibitors for the super entry of 75 from 66 dogs, there was a nice, relaxed sporting atmosphere and a very smoothly run show.
Lovely huge ring, which is always a must for this giant breed, you really could see the hounds at their best. Many quality hounds with great bone and substance, some heads were just a bit too chunky for me, lacking the elegance that is also essential in this large, running sighthound.
MINOR PUPPY DOG 4 entries, 0 absent
1st: Tingle’s Fosco Della Bassa Pavese,
Considering both the puppy and his owner were at their first show I was very impressed that at only just 7 months old this quite immature youngster was so settled on the move and in total control of his legs and was easily the most relaxed and soundest in the class. He has a long, masculine well balanced head and dark eye, ears could be smaller but long neck into well laid shoulders, sound front with good bone and feet. Nice length of body and well ribbed back. Would like a little more body weight but he has a good tail, set and carriage with lovely length of hindquarters and low set hocks. Very promising youngster. Best Puppy Dog.
2nd: Dawson’s Hydebeck Tyme For Love At Graefyn,
Taller 7½ months red brindle, more mature than above, I liked his head and eye, nice ears and set, good strong neck into sound, well angulated shoulders, good feet with deep brisket and correct length. Well bodied with nice topline, at first glance he was my winner but lacked the drive behind today and was not as true on the move as the younger hound.
3rd: Connor’s Hydebeck Eternal Love.
PUPPY DOG 2 entries, 0 absent
1st: Hughes’ Francistown Clifford
Well grown 11 months red, lovely dark eye and dark ears but not my style of head, good neck into good layback of shoulder, would like to see more angle of upperarm. Nice depth of chest and well bodied but would like a little more length of back, preferred his hind angulation and hind movement to his front movement.
2nd: Molyneaux’s Francistown Connor
Red, litter brother to above, very similar in type and style, I slightly preferred his head, he has nice ears with good set, also lacks front and hind angulation, would like more forechest but he has good depth and a level topline but for me lacks length of body and ribbing. Outmoved by his brother today.
JUNIOR DOG 5 entries, 0 absent
1st: Allitt’s Airforce At Jascarah Of King Howard Legends
17 months wheaten, lovely masculine hound with gorgeous head and dark eye, lovely overall conformation with correct outline and sound, powerful movement front and rear with good reach and drive. Easy winner in this class and disappointed he did not appear in the cup challenges at the end of the day. A really nice youngster who has a lot of style and presence.
2nd: Freitas & Maison’s Unicorne Du Grand Chien De Cullann
Handsome tall cream, only 17 months and has a lot to like about him. Masculine head and dark eye, correct ears and set, looked lovely standing with great topline, excellent front and hind angulation. Super handler who got the best out of him. Just preferred the winner s coat and presentation and outmoved on the final run.
3rd: Gregory’s Killoughery Touchstone.
YEARLING DOG 3 entries, 1 absent
1st: Allitt’s Airforce At Jascarah Of King Howard Legends, as before.
2nd: Littlefairs Conmeryl Joshua Jopp,
23 months grey brindle, tall youngster with well balanced head and dark eye. Good depth of brisket and nice length of back, would like more angle of upperarm and topline could be better, adequate hind angulation but easily outmoved today.
NOVICE DOG 1 entry
1st: Molyneaux’s Francistown Connor, as before 2nd Puppy dog.
POST GRADUATE DOG Dog 6 entries, 0 absent
1st: Webb’s Killoughery Mission Two For Inkleboys,
Just 2 years light wheaten brindle, loved his head and expression, good length of neck into well laid shoulders, good depth and forechest, lovely feet. Well ribbed back with level topline, good bend of stifle with low set hocks, nice thick tail, correct set and carriage. Best mover in this class, sound throughout.
2nd: Sharratt’s Lynelouper Lyndene Laddie,
Taller 2½ years grey brindle who at first glance was my winner. Nicely constructed throughout in great coat and condition, well balanced head and dark eye, preferred his ears to above. Sound front and rear but not as settled going around the ring as winner, just outmoved today.
3rd: Morris’ Hydebeck Golden Gift For Draymorr.
LIMIT DOG 8 entries, 2 absent
1st: Sumner’s Dukesarum Murphy,
Only 21 months but is mature and in great form, dark brindle with a lovely classic head and dark eye, correct ears and set, super neck into excellent shoulders with sound front and good feet. Good depth and ribbing, correct topline with low set, well carried thick tail. Nicely angled hindquarters with low set hocks. Sound, easy mover who for me won this class with ease and pleased to award him the CC and Res BOS. Great start for a very promising youngster.
2nd: Severn-Kumar’s Gaelmarque Quintus,
3 years red brindle, loved his head, dark eyes and excellent ears. Good length of neck, stands a little far forward in front which spoilt his topline but he has good depth, well bodied with good fallaway. Today looked better on the move than standing, sound front and rear.
3rd: Hooper’s Floydian Affric.
OPEN DOG 3 entries, 0 absent
1st: Redferns’ Rainster Explorer
Nearly 3 years grey brindle, excellent mature hound of great size and bone. Masculine throughout, well balanced head and dark eye, good ears and set, stands well with lovely topline, great depth and forechest, sound front and rear with good feet. Good front and hind co-ordination, low set hocks. Lovely thick, well set tail. Challenged hard for the res CC but just not the elegance, for me, as the Champion class winner.
2nd: Sumner’s Creena Atticus Finch At Dukesarum [AI]
3 years black who is impressive standing and on the move. Lovely elegant but masculine head, which I slightly preferred to the winners but today I preferred the front and hind co-ordination of above on the move. He has great substance with good depth, length and topline. Very nice hound to go over and I would like to see him move outside as I think the ring surface today did not suit him. Very handsome, powerful boy, but I have always had a soft spot for a good black; will watch his future with interest.
3rd: Hooper’s Floydian Affric.
CHAMPION DOG 2 entries
1st: Pasks’ Ch. Baronglen The Nobleman,
Very well named, at 3 years old he is a tall, well constructed dark brindle, another who has great size and bone, mature and in great coat and condition. Really looks the part, standing proudly and correct at all times. Excellent front and hind co-ordination, looks every inch a Champion, just preferred the youngster in the challenge on the final move. Pleased to award him the res CC.
2nd: Reeve’s Ch. Whiteorchard Arcturus
Nearly 4 years light brindle, slightly smaller overall than Nobleman, I like his head and expression, slightly more than above. He is sound front and rear with good feet, well bodied with good length. Very nice hound, just not quite style and presence of winner but definitely worthy of his title.
MINOR PUPPY BITCH 4 entries, 0 absent
1st: Pinkney’s Hydebeck Dream To Love
Superb, very mature 7½ months cream, long, feminine head with dark eyes and lovely dark ears which is quite rare in this colour and smashing to see. She oozes quality and has great style and type, sound front and rear, correct length and topline with excellent front and hind angulation. Good coat and presentation. Easy, powerful mover she looked a picture going around the ring and won Best Puppy In Show with great ease.
2nd: Bennett’s Hydebeck In The Name Of Love
Very pretty blue brindle, feminine head and dark eye, good ears, not dissimilar in style and type to her litter sister above, more heavily coated and very naughty at times but when she settled on the move she showed she has a lot of potential; and a lovely colour.
3rd: Pasks’ Florence Della Bassa Pavese To Baronglen,
PUPPY BITCH 1 entry, 1 absent
JUNIOR BITCH 5 entries, 2 absent
1st: Pasks’ Florence Della Bassa Pavese To Baronglen,
Very pretty 7½ months litter sister to Best Puppy Dog. Red brindle, she is more mature than her brother but still very ‘colt’ like. Lovely head and eye, not much coat and you can see all her assets as she stands well. Well bodied with excellent topline and powerful, sound front and hindquarters. Was out-matured in the MPB class but she out-styled and outmoved the competition in this class. Best Junior.
2nd: Waslin’s Glengail Ccoaimhe With Aefsige,
16 months red brindle, feminine head and dark eye, more mature than above, well bodied with level topline. Not the angles of the Puppy, moved adequately front and rear but not quite the style and presence of above.
3rd: Lee’s Bonaforte Beautiful Dawn At Bonnachnaomh.
YEARLING BITCH 5 entries, 1 absent
1st: Sumner’s Dukesarum Evie,
21 months grey brindle, very pretty head and dark eye, nice ears and set. Excellent overall conformation, at first glance was my winner and she nearly lost out on rather erratic movement, she was sound but seemed intent on leaving the ring. Eventually when settled she did make the best of herself. Liked her outline and type, litter sister to dog CC winner. Best Yearling.
2nd: Harmer’s Dukesarum Fiya Of Ballanroo,
21 months litter sister to above, feminine, elegant head and dark eye, good ears, nice length of neck into well laid shoulders, correct feet, good overall length and topline, not quite the body or angulation of above but she has good front and hind co-ordination on the move. She was excellent considering it was her first show, sympathetically handled.
3rd: Waslin’s Glengail Ccaoimhe With Aefsige.
NOVICE BITCH 2 entries, 1 absent
1st: Lee’s Bonaforte Beautiful Dawn At Bonnechnaomh
Just 1 year old red, well balanced head and dark eye, a little straight in upperarm and tended to knuckle over when standing, well bodied with good length and ribbing. Adequate hindquarters. A little unsettled on the move but got better with practise. Well handled.
POST GRADUATE BITCH 5 entries, 1 absent
1st: Bruce’s Killoughery Talia,
4 years dark grey brindle who is very nicely constructed throughout, good head and expression, correct ears and set. Good, solid hound who is sound front and rear without any exaggerations, I liked her overall balance and type, soundest mover in the class. Best Post Graduate.
2nd: Sumner’s Dukesarum Niamh
21 months light red brindle, another litter sister to yearling winner, lovely head and dark eye, I have to mention her superb eyelashes! Typical outline, well bodied with correct topline. Very similar in style and type to her sister, just not as settled on the move as the winner in this class today. Not a lot to choose between these first three bitches.
3rd: Wilkinson’s Rainster Eilex Among Hunacres.
LIMIT BITCH 3 entries, 2 absent
1st: Sumner’s Dukesarum Tallulah
Yet another litter sister to Yearling Bitch and my Dog CC winner, for me she is my favourite of the 3 bitches. Unfortunately she stood alone today but she is a quality, well balanced, upstanding dark brindle with a gorgeous head and eye. Great front and depth with good length and ribbing, excellent hindquarters with low set hocks, powerful, graceful and sound throughout. Good feet. One I am sure has a great future.
OPEN BITCH 7 entries, 3 absent
1st: Freitas & Maison’s Trocadero Du Chien De Culann
Superb red, only 2 years old and a real dazzler! Well balanced head with darkest of eyes, lovely ears and set, great neck into excellent shoulders with sound front and plenty of chest. Good length and topline with low set, thick tail, super length of hindquarters with low set hocks. Good feet. Impressive mover who looked particularly good going around the big ring with her excellent handler. Very close decision in the challenge but had to give way to the more mature and finished Champion bitch. Pleased to award her the Res CC and Res BIS as she outmoved the male with style and presence. Still so young and I hope she will be shown again in this country to gain her title.
2nd: Stirling’s Rysheron’s American Hope For Clanlily [Imp USA]
Just 2 years, less mature, dark grey who apparently was accidently entered in the wrong class but she was definitely not outclassed. Lovely feminine head and dark eye, excellent overall conformation and sound mover. My only criticism was I would like her to lose a few pounds, very good quality bitch.
3rd: Heather’s Whiteorchard Aurora JW
VETERAN BITCH 2 entries, 0 absent
1st: Bruce’s Goldswift Leap Of Faith,
Grand old lady at 8 years, dark grey who is in great form and condition. Feminine head and dark eye, pleasing expression, she has great overall balance, well bodied and correct topline. Still very enthusiastic, moving soundly front and rear.
2nd: Warwick & Gregory’s Goldswift Brontannas To Cairnstom,
8 years litter sister to above, grey brindle, pretty head and eye, well bodied with correct depth, length and topline, good bone and feet, at first glance was my winner but outmoved by her sister today. Very nice pair of Veterans.
CHAMPION BITCH 5 entries, 1 absent
Smashing class with all exhibits very worthy of their titles.
1st: Sheppards’ Ch. Gaelmarque Treasured By Goldswift JW
Beautiful dark grey, just 3 years old and is mature and a top class hound. I have admired her from the ringside and it was a pleasure to be able to judge her. She fulfilled all my expectations and did not put a foot wrong. I like everything about her, for me, she has quality and oozes type, she is so sound and looked good both standing and moving. In great coat and presentation, she is handled to perfection and I did not hesitate to award her the BCC and BIS.
2nd: Amoos’ Ch. Sade Prelude,
2 years grey brindle, well balanced head with good neck flowing smoothly into well laid shoulders, sound front and good feet, deep brisket with correct length of ribbing and level topline. Correct fallaway with good tail, set and carriage. Slightly preferred hind angulation of winner but she moved soundly front and rear keeping her topline at all times. Correct coat and presentation.
3rd: Heather’s Ch. Whiteorchard Ad Astra JW.
BRACE 2 entries, 0 absent
1st: Heather’s litter sisters,4 years old and so similar in many ways and move together as a proud duo.
2nd: Bruce’s aged 4 and 8 years they are very well matched in colour and type but not quite as gelled together on the move as the 2 sisters above.
Best In Show
Sheppards’ Ch. Gaelmarque Treasured By Goldswift JW
Reserve Best In Show
Freitas & Maison’s Trocadero Du Grand Chien De Culann
Best Opposite Sex
Sumner’s Dukesarum Murphy
Best Puppy In Show
Pinkney’s Hydebeck Dream To Love
Best Veteran
Bruce’s Goldswift Leap Of Faith
Best Junior Cup
Pask’s Florence Della Bassa Pavese To Baronglen [Imp]
Best Yearling Cup
Sumner’s Dukesarum Evie
Best Post Graduate Cup
Bruce’s Killoughery Talia
Best Limit Cup
Sumner’s Dukesarum Murphy
Best Open Cup
Freitas & Maison’s Trocadero Du Grand Chien De Culann
Best Movement Cup
Sheppard’s Ch. Gaelmarque Treasured By Goldswift
Jenny Dove [Judge]
Judge, Jenny Dove
Irish Wolfhound Society
Chair, Elizabeth Murray.