Membership applications are welcome from all Irish Wolfhound enthusiasts. The Irish Wolfhound Society offers single, joint and overseas membership.
Annual membership fees are:
Single: £12
Joint: £18
Overseas: £15
As a member of the Irish Wolfhound Society you have the opportunity to help support our principles and goals. You would be part of wonderful community of people who have the breed’s best interests at heart.
You would have access to expertise, support and advice from experienced breeders and owners.
Other benefits of being a member of the Irish Wolfhound Society include:
The annual Society Magazine - an A4 full colour magazine of over 100 pages, packed with photographs and articles.
Reduced entry fees to all Society shows.
The opportunity to compete for and take home the Society's trophies.
All members join as Associate Members. After two years, full membership with voting rights may be applied for.
The Society holds a Championship Show and an Open Show each year. We also, on occasion, hold a Rally focussed on enjoyment and learning, with games, events and talks on various topics to do with Irish Wolfhounds.
All members agree to abide by the Society's Rules and Code of Conduct.
To apply, please download an application form and return to the Society Secretary.