2019 Open Show
Critique appears below results
Held on Sunday 27 January 2019
The Connexion, Leamington Road, Ryton-on Dunsmore, Coventry.
Judge - Mrs Laurie Morris (Brimstone) USA
Best In Show
Caredig Angelina

Reserve Best in Show & Best Opposite Sex
Lonnkyle Pilgrim At Bokra (Imp CAN)

Best Puppy in Show
Sade Paris

Best Veteran in Show
Ch. Ravenbeech Fidelia

Minor Puppy Dog (1, 0Abs)

1. Mrs & Mr F & G Dawson
Hydebeck Dream Tyme Of Graefyn
Puppy Dog (2, 1Abs)

1st. Mr & Mrs C & J Amoo
Sade Paris
Junior Dog (4, 2Abs)

1st. Mrs S Dawson
Austonley's Falcon At Shalico
2nd. Mrs T Sumner - Dukesarum Yohji
Yearling Dog (4, 0Abs)

1st. Dr & Miss P & S Purkayastha
Ballyphelan Asansol Among Neckrebagh
2nd. Mr & Mrs J Sumner
Ballyphelan Amadeus
3rd. J & B Carwell & Bridges
Barrassy's Impression
Res. Ms K Gregory
Barrassy's Shooting Star At Killoughery
Novice Dog (3, 1Abs)

1st. J & B Carwell & Bridges
Barrassy's Impression
2nd. Miss L Colbert
Keep It Together Physical Attraction
Post Graduate Dog (7, 1Abs)

1st. Miss K Webb
Goldswift Mission Possible For Inkleboys
2nd. Mrs S Dawson
Austonley's Falcon At Shalico
3rd. Miss L Colbert
Nana Nana Von Der Erzminen
Res. Mr & Mrs G Grimwood
Bonaforte's Meldrew
VHC. Mr & Mrs J Harris
Hazianne Big Jake
Limit Dog (4, 2Abs)

1st. Misses S & K Surrell & Coleman & Mr L Simmons
Lonnkyle Pilgrim At Bokra (CAN Imp)
2nd. Mrs T Sumner
Dukesarum Giacomo
Minor Puppy Bitch (5, 0Abs)

1st. Mr & Mrs P & S Catlow
Hydebeck Dream Of Lorelei At Laoiseach
2nd. Ms C Stirling
Clanlily Diamond Dust
3rd. Ms J Morris
Clanlily Caera For Amarach
Res. Mrs T Sumner
Dukesarum Meg
VHC. Mrs T Sumner
Dukesarum Peg
Puppy Bitch (1, 0Abs)

1st. Mr & Mrs C & J Amoo
Sade Rainbow
Junior Bitch (7, 1Abs)

1st. Mrs T Sumner
Dukesarum Lilybet
2nd. Ms J Braine
Hollyhenge Carribean Kiss
3rd. Mr & Mrs A & S Gilbert
Anstyarna Que Cera Cera
Res. Ms C Du Rose
Bonaforte's Pourquoi Moi
VHC. Mrs & Mr J & I Keary & Casely
Eileanirgh Lady Of The Fire
Yearling Bitch (5, 2Abs)

1st. Mr & Mrs J Sumner
Ballyphelan Anna Lisa
2nd. Mrs M Addington
Wolfhouse Daviniah Of Wolvebrigg (Imp DNK)
3rd. Mr & Mrs L & D Ashton
Bonnies Sonas Of Madalinca
Res. Mr & Mrs B & D Mills
Hollyhenge Fraisse Fizz At Mocharraig
Novice Bitch (6, 4Abs)

1st. Mrs & Mr M & D Holder & Howe
Sade Araya Mascotts
2nd. Mrs S Dawson
Austonley's Fortune Of Shalico
Post Graduate Bitch (8, 4Abs)

1st. Mr D Malone
Barachois Mellow Yellow
2nd. Mr & Mrs L & D Ashton
Bonnies Sonas Of Madalinca
3rd. Mrs J Say
Caredig Alis Over Lynelouper
Res. Mrs K Bruce
Goldswift Leap Of Faith
Limit Bitch (5, 1Abs)

1st. Mr S Bradley
Glengail Ggwendolyn
2nd. Ms C Stirling
Clanlily Wishing On A Star
3rd. Mrs T Sumner
Dukesarum Chiara
Res. Mr & Mrs K & Y Harmer
Ravensbeech Revera
Open Dog (7, 3Abs)

1st. Mr & Mrs D & D Redfern
Goldswift Fluke At Rainster
2nd. Mrs D Tebbutt
Caredig Augustus
3rd. Mrs M Addington
Ravensbeech Comitas Of Wolvebrigg
Res. Dr & Miss P & S Purkayastha
Ravensbeech Romanus Among Neckrebagh
Open Bitch (8, 4Abs)

1st. Mrs D Tebbutt
Caredig Angelina
2nd. Mr & Mrs D & D Redfern
Rainster Izzy
3rd. Mr & Mrs A & S Gilbert
Anstyarna Lili Marleen
Res. Ms C Stirling
Clanlily Million Dollar Gem
Veteran Dog (1, 0Abs)

Mr & Mrs A & S Gilbert
Madiamoy King Arold Returns To Anstyarna
Veteran Bitch (4, 2Abs)

1st. Mrs J Pain
Ch. Ravensbeech Fidelia
2nd. Mrs & Mrs J & M McDonald-Ulliott & Holder
Hibeck Miss Dior

Laurie Morris
27 January 2019
Thank you to the Irish Wolfhound Society for inviting me to judge your Open Show, and to the Exhibitors for the amazing entry they brought before me. What an honour to be able to see and go over so many lovely hounds. A grateful thank you to my stewards Chippy and Peter for guiding me through the process and keeping the ring running smoothly.
Over all I was well pleased with the hounds I saw, and my top winners were exceptional. A majority of the hounds were in good hard condition, though some carried more weight than I like. Most had a jaw full of big strong teeth. There were a few bites that were off, one over bite and a few wry teeth. Temperaments were good, with only a couple of hounds that would have preferred to be elsewhere. As with the hounds in the USA, there are too many straight pasterns and short upper arms, we all need to pay attention and breed away from them. If our hounds were hunting as in the past, that weakness would be their downfall in the field.
My Best in Show, Reserve Best in Show, Best Veteran and Best Puppy would be most welcome in my own kennel. They all carry the beautiful hound type, strength, and quality we as breeders should strive for in our hounds.
Mrs. D. Tebbutt; CARADIG ANGELINA A big powerful 2 ½ year old that moves around the ring with strength and grace. She is the epitome of hunting type, there is no doubt this bitch is very capable. She has a strong yet feminine head. Dark pigment, rose ears, good bite and big teeth. Her muscular arched neck flows into a well laid shoulder and correct topline. Lovely crisp coat. She has a broad muscular fore chest, long upper arm, big bone, good feet and flexible pasterns. Very true coming and going. Correct spring of rib, depth of chest and a beautiful long underline. Her broad strong loin rises over a nice croup and well-set tail. Broad pelvis and powerful, well angulated hindquarters. Big bone, broad thighs with hard muscle. It is nearly impossible to fault this bitch, I might give her a bit more leg and a lower hock. I look forward to seeing this bitch in full maturity. She is splendid and I thank her breeders for showing her to me.
Misses & Mr. S & K Surrell, Coleman & Simmons; LONNKYLE PILGRIM AT BOKRA At almost 3 year old handsome dark brindle. Good masculine head, dark pigment, rose ears and strong jaw with good teeth. He is in the medium range of males in size, very strong and balanced. A lovely strong neck flows into a well-placed shoulder, nice topline, gentle rise over a strong loin, wide pelvis and good croup with well set tail that never stops wagging. Beautiful fore chest, long upper arm, depth of chest, well ribbed back that flows into a lovely underline. Moderate rear angulation, hard muscle and good bone with nice feet. Strong and sound movement in all directions. A lovely type hound, always smiling and happy. What a pleasure to have this male in my ring.
Mr. & Mrs. C & J Amoo; SADE PARIS I was pleased to find out this super young dog has the same sire as my Best in Show. At just 11 months old this pup has so much going for him. Attractive male head, lovely dark eye and pigment, good teeth and bite, rose ear could be a bit smaller. Super crisp coat. Long legs with big straight bone and nice feet. Very strong for his age. Good neck and shoulder. Broad fore chest and already good depth of chest. Good topline, a little long in the loin, but lovely wide pelvis and super hindquarter. Wide hard muscular thigh and second thigh with big bone. He moves soundly but isn’t using his rear right now. As with many big puppies, he is a bit steep in the croup at this age which keeps the big boys’ hindquarters tucked under. I am sure as he matures, he will put that gorgeous rear to proper use. He is a lovely puppy who should mature into a spectacular hound. Thanks to his owners for showing him to me.
Mrs. J Pain; CH. RAVENSBEECH FIDELIA At over 7 years, a beautiful classic style bitch who showed her maturity but not her age. She moved soundly around the ring. Pretty head with a sweet, soft expression, dark pigment and rose ears. Strong neck, lovely front, fore chest shoulder and strong correct topline. Nice wide pelvis, strong lovely hindquarters and rear angulation. A truly quality veteran in great form. Her breeder should be very proud.
1st Mr. & Mrs. Dawson; HYDEBECK DREAM TYME OF GRAEFYN Handsome brindle 7 months, alone in his class. Pleasing head, dark pigment. Good bone and body for his age. Straight upper arm a tad short so not reaching on the move. Broad hindquarters, nicely set tail and well-muscled. A nice youngster that was happy and well trained.
PUPPY DOG – See Best Puppy
1st Mrs. S Dawson; AUSTONLEY’S FALCON AT SHALICO A well grown wheaten of 14 months. Nice masculine head, dark pigment, rose ears and strong jaw with big teeth. Lots of body for his age. Big bone, moderately angulated. Good fore chest, strong neck, fair shoulder. Well ribbed back though a tad long in the loin. Topline needs to settle. Good croup.
2nd Mrs. T Sumner; DUKESARUM YOHJI Houndy 16-month-old. Balanced front to rear, less mature than #1. Pleasing head, bite and pigment. Folded ears. Good fore chest. Shoulder a bit upright at this time. Solid topline, nice wide pelvis. Good bone. Pasterns a bit long and floppy right now. As he matures, he will likely be in more control of his feet. He is a tall handsome boy who will take time to mature.
1st Dr. & Miss Das Purkayastha; BALLYPHELEN ASANSOL AMONG NECKREBAGH Good size for a young dog. Dark pigment, rose ear. Balanced with reasonable fore chest. I would prefer a better shoulder, yet he has a strong topline. A bit steep in the croup. Wide muscular thighs, big bone. Feet a little flat and pasterns straight right now. Another big boy who needs time to mature.
2nd Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Sumner; BALLYPHELEN AMADEUS Handsome dark brindle litter mate to #1. A more houndy style dog than his brother. Nice outline. Pleasing head, dark pigment. Ears a bit large. Prefer more fore chest and better shoulder lay back. Strong dog, good topline, nice croup and well-set tail. Not quite the bone and muscle of #1 right now.
1st J & B Carwell & Bridges; BARRASSY’S IMPRESSION Good size 2-year-old with a masculine head, good pigment, big teeth. Slightly unsettled in the ring, but maybe looking for his owner? Big bone, deep chest and wide pelvis. Well-muscled. Straight pastern and didn’t really want to move out. Took the class today because of his overall balance.
2nd Miss L Colbert; KEEP IT TOGETHER PHYSICAL ATTRACTION A tall boy with a pleasing head and rose ears. Very angulated in the hindquarters, with a straight front and pasterns that throw off his balance on the move. Wide going away and not reaching or using his front.
1st Miss K Webb; GOLDSWIFT MISSION POSSIBLE FOR INKLEBOYS A balanced strong dog with moderate angulation front and rear. Moves soundly. Nice head, dark pigment, good bite and rose ear. Strong neck, good spring of rib. Long flowing topline ending in a wide pelvis, strong loin, good croup and correct tail set. Wide strong thighs and low hocks. Correct depth of chest with a gradual underline to a nice tuck up.
2nd Mrs. T Sumner; DUKESARUM GIACOMO A tall rangy 2-year-old that will take time to grow into himself. Good depth of chest and nice rib spring. Croup a bit steep right now which affects the use of his well-muscled hindquarters when moving. Another nice young male that is slow to mature.
1st Mr. & Mrs. D & D Redfern; GOLDSWIFT FLUKE AT RAINSTER Masculine dog that reaches and drives around the ring. Good upper arm and shoulder. Bent pasterns. Well ribbed back and nice tuck up. Strong neck flows into a good topline with a gentle arch over a strong loin. Wide pelvis, correct length of croup and nicely set long tail. A nicely balanced hound that could swap places with Best Dog on another day. RESERVE BEST DOG
2nd Mrs. D Tebbutt; CAREDIG AUGUSTUS A really powerful young dog. Handsome head, rose ears. Crisp coat. Lovely fore chest with strength through out. Muscular body and thighs. Big bone. Nice topline, great muscular loin, wide pelvis. Nice rear angulation. Pasterns straight right now and upper arm could be longer. Not using himself well on the move today.
1st Mr. & Mrs. A & S Gilbert; MADIAMOY KING AROLD RETURNS TO ANSTYARNA Lovely 8-year-old. A big boy who moves easily and soundly around the ring. Nice head, dark pigment, rose ears. Big bone, wide pelvis and still a nice strong topline, a rarity in an 8yr. old male. Congratulations to his owners for keeping this old lad in such great condition.
1st Mr. & Mrs. Catlow; HYDEBECK DREAM OF LORELEI AT LAOISEACH A pretty wheaten 7 months. Sweet, well-proportioned head. Long, strong muzzle, dark pigment, good bite rose ears. Nice hard condition for a puppy. Moves soundly and with purpose. Long neck, good shoulder. Topline a little flat but I expect that will change as she matures. Very nice wide pelvis with correct croup and well-set tail. Well ribbed back with long underline and a nice tuck up.
2nd Ms. C Stirling; CLANLILY DIAMOND DUST Dark brindle with a sweet expression, dark pigment and well set rose ears. Very shapely, moves soundly, nicely bent pasterns. Good bone and well-muscled. Not as much body as 1st place, but that will come. Good shoulder, strong topline, croup a little steep right now. These two girls could switch places another day, two lovely youngsters I like a lot.
1st Mr. & Mrs. C & J Amoo; SADE RAINBOW Alone in her class, this 11-month black brindle is a beauty who pushed her brother hard for Best Puppy. She is a strong, course coated galloping hound, as they all should be. Lovely head with dark eyes and pigment. Long, strong muzzle. Long neck flows into a good topline with a strong loin and broad pelvis. Well angulated hindquarters with wide muscular thighs. Moves soundly.
1st Mrs. T Sumner; DUKESARUM LILYBET At 17 months this bitch is a complete package. Very balanced front and rear. Lovely head and expression, rose ears, dark pigment. Good bite but I would prefer a stronger lower jaw. Good fore chest, long upper arm and well laid shoulder. Strong neck flows into a good topline with an arched muscular loin. Wide pelvis, correct croup and well-set tail. Good feet and pasterns, wide strong thighs and low hocks.
2nd Ms. J Braine; HOLLYHENGE CARRIBEAN KISS Tall hunting style dark brindle bitch. Pretty head, long strong muzzle and good bite. A little straight in the front with upright pasterns. Nice topline, well ribbed back and strong angulated hindquarters. Wasn’t using herself well on the move today.
1st Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Sumner; BALLYPHELAN ANNA LISA Dark brindle with all lovely curves. Feminine head, dark pigment. Nice fore chest, long upper arm, well laid shoulder. Long strong neck flows into a a gorgeous topline with arched loin and wide strong hindquarters. Good bone, nice feet, good pasterns. Beautiful balanced angulation front and rear. Moves soundly and easily. A super young bitch.
2nd Mrs. MK Addington; WOLFHOUSE DAVINIAH OF WOLVEBRIGG Feminine head, good bite. Long neck into a good shoulder. Strong topline, good croup. A little long in the loin. Good depth of chest and well ribbed back. A pretty bitch, but lacks the bone and muscle of #1.
1st Mrs. & Mr. M & D Holder & Howe; SADE ARAYA MASCOTTS Leggy dark brindle. Nice head, dark pigment, good bite. Long neck. Upright shoulder. Good topline, well angulated hindquarters. Well ribbed back and good pasterns. A pretty youngster I’d like to see muscled up a bit.
2nd Mrs. S Dawson; AUSTONLEY’S FORTUNE OF SHALICO Attractive head, lovely dark eye. Strong topline though a bit long in the loin. Well-muscled, moved soundly.
This was my most difficult class of the day as the type I was looking for was lacking.
1st Mr. D Malone; BARACHOIS MELLOW YELLOW Won the class on her easy movement and overall balance. Feminine old type head, dark pigment and good bite. Decent shoulder and topline with rise over the loin. Good length of leg. I prefer more angulation fore and aft, but her balance worked for her today.
2nd Mrs. & Mr. L & D Ashton; BONNIES SONAS OF MADELINCA Big framed girl for her age, possibly carrying a bit much weight. Pretty head, rose ears and lovely dark piment on this wheaten girl. Broad fore chest, shoulder a bit upright. Wide strong loin and croup, and well-muscled thighs.
1st Mr. S Bradley; GLENGAIL GGWENDOLYN Dark with lovely hound type. I would prefer a little longer muzzle, but dark pigment and folded ear. Strong neck; upper arm a bit short, shoulder set ok. When relaxed she shows off her correct flowing topline and arch over her strong loin. Good width to pelvis. Nicely angulated hindquarters. Well ribbed back with nice long underline to good tuck up. Pasterns too straight and front feet flat but moves soundly.
2nd Ms. C Stirling; CLANLILY WISHING ON A STAR Nice planes on a feminine head. Ears a bit large but folded. Lighter bone than #1, but most certainly built on the lines of a strong running hound. Strong long neck. Good upper arm and shoulder that flows to a nice topline and strong loin. Nicely angulated hindquarters with good hard muscle. Nice thick feet, pasterns upright.
2nd Mr. & Mrs. D & D Redfern; RAINSTER IZZY Black 5-year-old bitch with beautiful type. Long neck, good shoulder with a lovely topline and underline. Broad strong loin, wide pelvis, correct croup with good tail set. Prefer her length of leg to #1. Nice low hocks. Toes in on the front which distracts from her movement. A lovely, quality bitch.
Laurie Morris