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Open Show results 2018 

Held on 28th January 2018

The Connexion, Leamington Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore. Coventry.


Judge - Miss Wendy Heather (Whiteorchard)



Best In Show -  Mr S. Bradley's  Glengail Ggwendolyn

Reserve Best In Show -  Ms C. Stirling -  Ch Clanlily Baron of the Glen

Best Opposie Sex - Ms C. Stirling -  Ch Clanliy Baron of the Glen

Best Puppy In Show -  Mr & Mrs J. E. Sumner - Ballyphelan Anna Lisa 

Best Veteran - Ms C. Stirling - Ch Clanlily Baron of the Glen

Best Dog -  Ms C. Stirling - Ch Clanlily baron of the Glen

Reserve Best Dog - Mrs D. Treadwell - Glengail Ggilmour at Floydian

Best Bitch - Mr S. Bradley - Glengail Ggwendolyn

Reserve Best Bitch - Mrs D. Treadwell - Glengail Ggeraldine at Floydian


Irish Wolfhound Best in Show Glengail Ggwendolyn with judge and IWS Chair.

Best in Show - Mr Steve Bradley's Glengail Ggwendolyn with Judge Wendy Heather and Chair, Mrs Chris MacCleod.


                     DOG CLASS WINNERS                                        BITCH CLASS WINNERS        


                   Minor Puppy Dog (0 entries)                                     Minor Puppy Bitch (0 entries)


                     Puppy Dog  (3, 0 abs)                                                     Puppy Bitch (6, 2 abs)


























                          Junior Dog (6, 2 abs)































Irish Wolfhound Ballyphelan Amadeus
Irish Wolfhound Anna Lisa

1. Mr & Mrs J.E. Sumner - Ballyphelan Amadeus

2. Dr & Miss P.P. & S. Das Purkayastha - Ballyphelan Asansol Among Neckrebagh 

3. Ms K. Gregory - Barrassy's Shooting Star at Killoughery

1. Mr & Mrs J.E. Sumner - Ballyphelan Anna Lisa

2. Mr & Mrs K. & A.E. Campbell-Woodford - Kilmacduagh Aednat

3. Mrs & Mr L. & D. Ashton - Bonnies Sonas of Madalinca

Resv. Mr & Mrs D. & W. Reeves - Quicksilver Kacey of Madalinca

Irish Wolfhound Caredig Augustus


1. Mrs D. Tebbutt - Caredig Augustus

2. Mr & Mrs J. Plachcinski - Austonley's Cantona Ooh Aah

3. Mr & Mrs A. Dunwell - Goldswift Spartan's Secret

Resv. Miss J.M. Littlefair - Goldswift Phoenix Kiss

Junior Bitch (10, 3 abs)

Irish Wolfhound Caredig Angelina

1. Mrs D. Tebbutt - Caredig Angelina

2. Miss & Mr K. & J. Goodall & Howe - Femkes Footsteps Glenmorangie (Imp NLD)

3. Mrs J. Say - Caredig Alis

Resv. Dr & Mrs C. & C. Sheppard - Goldswift Enchanted Legacy

VHC. Miss J.M. Littlefair - Goldswift In Your Dreams 

Yearling Dog (2, 1 abs)

Yearling Bitch (4, 1 abs)

Irish Wolfhound Ooh Aah Cantona

1. Mr & Mrs J. Plachcinski - Austonley's Cantona Ooh Aah

Novice Dog - (4, 1 abs)

Irish Wolfhound Caredig Alis

1. Mrs J. Say - Caredig Alis

2. Mr & Mrs K. & Y. Harmer - Comedias All About Hope for Ballanroo (Imp Swe)

3. Mr D. Malone - Barachois Mellow Yellow

Novice Bitch 4, 0 abs)

Irish Wolfhound Ballyphelan Asansol

1. Dr & Miss P.P. & S. Das Purkayastha - Ballyphelan Asansol Among Neckrebagh

2. Miss J.M. Littlefair - Goldswift Phoenix Kiss

3. Mr & Mrs J. Harris - Hazianne Big Jake


Irish Wolfhound Femkes Footsteps Glenmorangie

1. Miss & Mr K. & J. Goodall & Howe - Femkes Footsteps Glenmorangie (Imp Nld)

2. Dr & Mrs C. & C. Sheppard - Goldswift Enchanted Legacy

3. Miss J. M. Littlefair - Goldswift In Your Dreams

Resv. Mr D. Malone - Barachois Mellow Yellow

Post Graduate Dog 6, 2 abs)

Irish Wolfhound Whitglen Leader

1. Mrs & Mrs C. & A. Anderson & White - Whitglen Leader

2. Mr & Mrs M. & S. Dolling - Amaethon Feebees Home of Charobie (Imp CZE)

3. - Mr & Mrs D. & W. Reeves - Wolfhouse Count Basie (Imp DK)

Resv. Mr & Mrs J. Harris - Hazianne Big Jake

Post Graduate Bitch (4, 1 abs)

Irish Wolfhound Whitglen Talla

1. Mrs & Mrs C. & A. Anderson & White - Whitglen Talla

2. Ms C. Stirling - Clanlily Wishing On A Star

3. Mr & Mrs M. & S. Dolling - Rainster Nancy of Charobie

Limit Dog (3, 1 abs)

Irish Wolfhound Ravensbeech Romanus among Neckrebagh

1. Dr & Miss P.P. & S. Purkayastha - Ravensbeech Romanus Among Neckrebagh

2. Ms C. Stirling - Clanlily Boscuaill Of Cuinn

Limit Bitch (6, 1 abs)

Irish Wolfhound Glengail Ggwendolyn

1. Mr S. Bradley - Glengail Ggwendolyn

2. Mrs D. Treadwell - Glengail Ggeraldine at Floydian

3. Mrs R. Cramphorn - Yelxba Victoria ShCM 

Open Dog (2, 0 abs)

Irish Wolfhound Glengail Ggilmour at Floydian

1. Mrs D. Treadwell - Glengail Ggilmour at Floydian

2. Mrs & Mrs B. & C. Poole & Sheppard - Conmeryl Marksman with Goldswift 

Open Bitch (3, 1 abs)

Irish Wolfhound Ballyphelan Rosy Ryan

1. Mr & Mrs J.E. Sumner - Ballyphelan Rosy Ryan

2. Mr & Mrs K. & A.E. Campbell-Woodford - Rivenhounds Bonfire at Kilmacdaugh

Veteran Dog (2, 1 abs) 

Irish Wolfhound Clanlilly Baron of the Glen

1. Ms C. Stirling - Clanlily Baron Of The Glen

Veteran Bitch 3, 2 abs)

Irish Wolfhound Clanlilly Sky of Diamonds

1. Ms C. Stirling - Clanlily Sky Of Diamonds

Judge's presentation by the Society Chair, Mrs Chris MacCleod to Miss Wendy Heather (Whiteorchard)

Irish Wolfhound Society Chair, Chris MacCleod with judge, Wendy Heather




Thank you to the committee and officials for the invitation to judge this much loved show at the start of the showing year.  Thanks also go to my table stewards and collecting ring stewards for ensuring a smoothly run ring and organisation of exhibits. 

It was a pleasure to be presented with well groomed and well mannered hounds, a credit to all exhibitors.  There was a small proportion of hounds that lacked the substance desired or did not have adequate muscle, which in both the dogs and bitches affected some of my decisions.  





Minor Puppy Dog  NO ENTRIES


Puppy Dog ( 3, 0 abs)


1.   Sumner’s - Ballyphelan Amadeus: 

10 month quality male with correct muscle for age and lovely proportions.  Despite being slightly excitable on the move, when settled he         had drive and  power with balanced movement. Gentle expression and lovely masculine head showing off those beautiful rose bud ears.  Good length of neck but preferred the front of the puppy bitch for the puppy challenge.  BPD


2. Das Purkayastha’s , Ballyphelan Asansol Among Neckrebagh:

10 month old male, same type and a lot of the same qualities as the 1st, however a  taller dog  and a little straighter in shoulder.  Movement was easy and he covered the ground well.


3. Gregory’s, Barrassay’s Shooting Start At Killoughery


Junior Dog  (6, 2 abs)


1. Tebbutt’s, Caredig Augustus: 

17 month old quality male,  powerful and well muscled with substance.  Nice rear angulation with good width of stifle. Good breath of chest, however a little straight in upper shoulder.  Movement was balanced and powerfully driven, keeping his outline on the move. Will take time to settle into his powerful frame, a very promising hound for the future. 


2. Plachcinski’s, Austonley’s Cantona Ooh Ahh; 

17 month male of very different type to the 1st.  Lighter built with a little more maturity yet movement wasn’t as powerfully driven.  A pleasing hound to go over with gentle expression and masculine head. Adequate angulation front and rear, more muscle would be desirable.


3. Dunwell’s, Goldswift Spartan’s Secret:


Yearling Dog (2, 1abs)


1. Plachcinski’s, Austonley’s Cantona Ooh Ahh:

17 month male, 2nd from Junior dog.  Stood alone in this class.


Novice Dog (4, 1abs)


1. Das Purkayastha’s, Ballyphelan Asansol Among Neckrebagh

10 month male, 2nd from Puppy Dog.  Movement was sound with resonable extension both front and rear.


2. Littlefair’s, Goldswift Phoenix Kiss: 

16 month old substantial male, calmly and confidently  handled.  Different type to that of 1st, adequate front and rear angulation and covered the ring well.


3. Harris’s, Hazianne Big Jake:


Post Graduate Dog  (6, 2 abs)


1. Harris's, Whitglen Leader; 

2 year old substantial male with gentle expression and masculine head.  A quality hound that covered the ring well with sound movement , good extension both front and rear.  Good width of stifle and nice rear angulation would prefer more muscle.  Nice length of neck and good front angulation,  didn’t disappoint on the move and kept his outline throughout.  Best Post Graduate in Show


2. Dolling’s, Amaethon Feebees Home of Charobie (Imp CZE): 

3 ½ year old, heavy set and substantial male of different type to the 1st.  Pleasing masculine head and very gentle expression. Moved soundly but lacked enthusiasm than that of 1st.   Lovingly handled and nicely presented, would have preferred more muscle in the rear.


3. Reeves’s, Wolfhound Count Basie:


Limit Dog (3,1abs)


1. Das Purkayastha’s, Ravensbeech Romanus Among Neckrebagh: 

3 year old medium sized yet substantial male  of nice proportions and quality type.   Would prefer him carrying less weight, and more muscle would be desirable, despite this his movement was sound, balanced and easy.  Kept his outline on the move but sadly his lack of enthusiasm and lack of drive let him down in the challenge. 


2. Sterling’s, Clanlily Boscuaill Of Cuinn: 

2 year old male of different type, taller and lacked maturity compared to that of the 1st.  A little upright in the shoulder  which effected front extension, yet movement was sound and covered the ring well.  Sadly a high raised tail spoilt his outline on the move.  Superb gentle handling showing a true bond between dog and handler, this in itself was a pleasure to watch.


Open Dog (2, 0 abs )


1. Treadwell’s, Glengail Ggilmour At Floydian: 

2 ½ year  old powerful male that covered the ground with enthusiasm and  drive. Nicely shaped with good width of stifle and rear angulation, held his outline both standing and on the move.  Good length of neck, masculine head with nice expression.  Adequate front angulation  and powerfully muscled rear which he used to his advantage on the move.   RBD & Best Open In Show


2. Poole & Sheppard’s, Conmeryl Marksman With Goldswift: 

4 ½ year old quality male, very much my type. Gentle expression and masculine head  with good length of neck and adequate front angulation.  Good width of stifle and nice rear angulation movement was sound and effortless.  A Masculine yet curvaceous outline that he held well on the move both coming and going,  nicely proportioned male with nothing overdone. Initially my winner however  his lack of enthusiasm  and drive  on the day couldn’t be overlooked. 


Veteran Dog (2, 1abs)


1. Sterling’s, Ch Clanlily Baron Of The Glen: 

 Almost 8 year old quality male that despite standing alone in his class showed a commanding presence.  Nothing over done, nice proportions and very pleasing outline.  Gentle expression with masculine head and good length of neck on well laid shoulders.  Good width of stifle with pleasing rear angulation housing adequate muscle for a hound of his age.  Came into his own in the challenge,  showing better drive and more enthusiasm than that in the class.  Effortless and sound movement giving the youngsters a master class on how to achieve graceful movement with commanding masculinity.  BD, BVD ,  BVIS,  RBOB  & BOS





Minor Puppy Bitch  NO ENTRIES




Puppy Bitch (6, 2 abs)


1. Sumner’s, Ballyphelan Anna Lisa: 

10 month bitch litter sister to the BPD and to be expected both identical in type and quality, however with  feminine attributes.  Beautifully proportioned bitch, moved soundly with power and drive.  It would be nice to see her moving with a little more freedom on the lead, despite this, movement was balanced.  Feminine head with gentle expression, good length of neck leading into well laid back shoulders.  Good rear angulation with nice width of stifle and housing ample muscle for a bitch of this age.  Found her front better angulated than that of the Dog Puppy winning her BPB & BPIS


2. Campbell-Woodford’s, Kilmacduagh Aednat:

10 month bitch of different type than the 1st.  Nicely proportioned and commanded herself well despite being smaller in height than the others in her class.  Good substance throughout with nothing overdone, movement was  sound and balanced.  A very happy young lady who shows promise however her tail did spoil her outline on the move, with time hopefully this will settle.


3. Ashton’s, Bonnies Sonas Of Madalinca:


 Junior Bitch  (10, 3 abs)


1. Tebbutt’s, Caredig Angelina:

17 month old substantial and quality bitch,  litter sister to the Junior Dog winner and with the same qualities.  Well muscled throughout which showed on the move, powerful with drive yet remaining sound and balanced.  Good extension both front and rear and kept her outline on the move.  Nice rear angualtion with good width of stifle, preferred her front to that of the Junior Dog winning her Best Junior in Show. 


2. Goodall & Howe’s, Femkes Footsteps Glenmorangie (Imp NRD): 

12 month old bitch of different type to that of the 1st.  On entering the ring, I very much liked her shape and feminine features which immediately caught my eye.  A curvaceous young bitch with nothing overdone and lovely angulations both front and rear.  Gentle expression with exquisite feminine head and rose bud ears, good length of neck and beautiful coat.  Movement was sound  but lacked  drive and power.  I would have preferred a little more muscle and I felt she was carrying a little too much weight which affected her outline and balance on the move.   A very promising young bitch to watch in the future. 



3. Say's, Caredig Alis


Yearling Bitch (4,1abs)


1. Say’s, Caredig Alis:

17 month old substantial  bitch with pleasing outline standing and on the move.  Good extension with sound and balanced movement, showed ease of movement and covered the ring well. Adequate angulations both front and rear with muscle to suit. A little immature and needs time to settle into her frame.  Handled with enthusiasm and confidence.  Best Yearling


2. Harmer’s, Comedias All About Hope For Ballanroo (Imp SWE):

20 month old bitch, curvaceous outline and nicely proportioned.  Of different type to that of the 1st and seemed a little unsettled on the move.  Good angulation and adequate muscle,  good length of neck and nice harsh coat. 


3. Malone’s, Barachois Mellow Yellow:


Novice Bitch (4,0 abs)


1. Goodall & Howe’s, Femkes Footsteps Glenmorangie (Imp NRD):

12 month bitch, 2nd from Junior Bitch.    Best Novice in Show


2. Sheppard’s, Goldswift Enchanged Legacy:

16 month old substantial bitch different type to that of the 1st.  Feminine and curvaceous outline with  adequate angulation front and rear, needs a little time to strengthen in muscle which sure will come in time.


3. Littlefair’s, Goldswift In Your Dreams:


Post Graduate Bitch ( 4,1 abs)


1. Anderson & White’s, Whitglen Talla:

2 year old bitch with curvaceous outline and feminine features.  Nice proportions and adequate angulation both front and rear, feminine head with gentle expression sadly her ears are not her fortune.  Nicely muscled with easy movement that allowed her to cover the ground soundly.   Best Post Graduate in Show.


2. Sterling’s, Clanlily Wishing On A Star:

2 year old bitch of different type and taller in stature. Feminine head with my notes saying beautiful. Good rear anguatlion with nice width of stifle, front angulation a little straight in shoulder which showed on the move with less extension compared to the rear.  Despite this, movement was powerful and driven from the rear.


3. Dolling’s, Rainster Nancy of Charobie:


Limit Bitch (6, 1abs)


1. Bradley’s, Glengail Ggwendolyn:

2 ½ year old quality bitch, nothing overdone and nice curvaceous outline both standing and on the move.  Feminine head with gentle expression and good length of neck.  Shoulders well laid back and nice front angulation,   Good width of stifle combined with nice rear angulation and plenty of muscle allowed for powerful and driven movement.  Movement was easy, sound and balanced with good extension. This bitch could have worked all day and easily out moved the others in this class.  The combination of femininity and powerful balanced movement could not be overlooked in the challenge awarding BB & BIS


2. Treadwell’s, Glengail Ggeraldine At Floydian:

2 ½ year old bitch of same type and similar qualities as the 1st, litter sisters.   Feminine head and gentle expression, adequate front and rear angualtion.  Nicely muscled with sound and balanced movement, covered the ring well but didn’t extend as well as the 1st.   RBB


3. Cramphorn’, Yelxba Victoria ShCm:


Open Bitch ( 3, 1abs)




1. Sumner’s, Ballyphelan Rosy Ryan:

4 year old quality and substantial bitch very much my type.  Curvaceous outline both standing and on the move, feminine head with exquisite rose bud ears.  Good length of neck and nice front and rear angulation, good width of stifle and nice lay of shoulder.  Movement was easy and active with drive from the rear, front movement wasn’t as sound when coming and going.


2. Campbell-Woodford’s, Rivenhounds Bonfire At Kilmacdaugh:

5 year old bitch of good substance and nice type.  Adequate front and rear angulation with good length of neck and nice width of stifle.  Movement was balanced but lacked in enthusiasm and drive on the day.  


Veteran Bitch  ( 3, 2abs) 


1. Sterling’s, Clanlily Sky Of Diamonds:

Rising 8 year old bitch of quality type and pleasing proportions.  Feminine head and gentle expression, adequate angulation both front and rear.  Covered the ring soundly and did not lose her outline on the move.



Judge : Wendy Heather


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